The City of Carpinteria Planning Commission will meet on Monday, June 6, at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the 2023-2031 update to the Housing Element of the Carpinteria General Plan. The Housing Element is a component of the City’s General Plan and includes analysis of the community’s housing needs, opportunities and constraints, impediments to fair housing, as well as policies and programs to facilitate the construction, rehabilitation and preservation of housing for all economic segments of the community and persons with special needs. All jurisdictions in Santa Barbara County are required by State law to prepare an updated Housing Element for the 2023-2031 planning period.
Members of the public may attend the meeting at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., or view the meeting live at www.carpinteria.ca.us, on Government Access Television Channel 21 or by logging into the Zoom webinar. Additional details and numerous ways for the public to provide comments will be available through the meeting agenda at https://bit.ly/3meCkZc.