Located at 941 Walnut, the Veterans Memorial Building offers several services to local community members. County Health Department operates the Carpinteria Medical Clinic next door at 931 Walnut.
Rental Information
The Main Hall (capacity 125 people), Meeting Room (capacity 20 people) and Reception Room (capacity 10 people) may be rented by the public through the Parks and Recreation Department. Rental of the Main Hall includes 8 eight-foot rectangle tables, 10 round tables, 90 chairs & use of the stage. A commercial kitchen is also available at an additional cost. Celebrations or events serving food and/or beverages must include rental of the kitchen on the rental application form. Please click on the link for the Application Form.
For information regarding the availability of the rooms, please contact recreation@carpinteriaca.gov or City Hall at (805) 755-4476.