Street Maintenance

Maintenance of City streets includes:

  • Pavement
  • Traffic signing and striping
  • Bikeways (bike paths, bike lanes, and bike routes)

There are approximately 30.4 centerline miles of City streets. This amount of centerline miles represents approximately 6 millions square feet of pavement.

Repairs of pavement potholes and traffic signing and striping are able to be performed by Maintenance Division staff. Maintenance contracts augment Maintenance Division staff for larger work.

There are seven vehicular bridges which includes the new Via Real Bridge over Carpinteria Creek that was a part of the Via Real extension.  There are also seven pedestrian bridges.  Maintenance of these City bridges includes:

  • Wearing surfaces
  • Protective coating systems
  • Deck/Slab protection systems
  • Traffic signing and striping

Most bridge repairs are able to be performed by Maintenance Division staff.  Maintenance contracts augment  Maintenance Division staff for larger work.

Contract Services

Pavement Management Systems (PMS): The Pavement Management System provides for the systematic approach in prioritizing street pavement treatments such as repairs, maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.  Update to the PMS was completed in August 2022 and is valid for three years.  The next update is scheduled for 2025.

Bridge Inspection Program:  Inspections are conducted on City vehicular and pedestrian bridges in order to assess the overall condition and safety of primary load carrying members and joints, wearing surfaces, and protective coating systems, and deck/slab protection systems; and accessibility.  It further identifies rehabilitation, replacement, or preventative maintenance strategies including appropriate scopes of work and cost estimates.  The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) conducts inspections every two years for the City on the vehicular bridges in accordance with state law.  Caltrans does not conduct inspections on the City pedestrian bridges.  A new pedestrian bridge inspection program is in process and will be modeled after the Caltrans standards for vehicular bridge inspections.  Consulting structural engineers are procured for the pedestrian bridge inspection program.

Maintenance of City rights-of-way includes:

  • Sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and curb ramps
  • Street landscaping
  • Benches
  • Trash receptacles
  • Bicycle racks
  • Street trees
  • Banners and flags
  • Graffiti removal

Repairs of sidewalks and street tree trimming are able to be performed by Maintenance Division staff. Maintenance contracts augment Maintenance Division staff for larger work.

Maintenance Division staff also perform cleaning of the Downtown “T” area including sidewalk, benches, trash receptacles, bicycle racks, banners, flags, and graffiti removal.

Contract Services

Sidewalk Assessment Program:  The Sidewalk Assessment Program provides for the systematic approach in prioritizing sidewalk repairs.  Similar to the Pavement Management System, the Sidewalk Assessment Program regularly inspects the condition of concrete sidewalks within the City right-of-way.  Sidewalk inspection surveys are conducted on an annual basis.

Street Tree Trimming and Maintenance: The City of Carpinteria is soliciting Requests for Proposals (RFP) from qualified firms to perform tree trimming and tree maintenance services citywide. The selected firm will also be responsible for responding to the City’s emergency tree issues. Please contact Stephon Downes at for submission related questions.

Tree Advisory Board

The Tree Advisory Board consists of five members who are residents in the Carpinteria Valley area and whom are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. At least two members shall have a professional background in arboriculture, landscape architecture, or a related field.

Board duties include acting in an advisory capacity to the City Council and City staff in the administration of Carpinteria Municipal Code Chapter 12.28 (Street Trees, Shrubs and Plants) and with regard to all street tree matters. The Board also annually updates the City’s street tree management plan, conducts public hearings on street tree removal requests, and advises on the technical problems of trees (e.g. tree spraying, diseases, and maintenance).

The Board meets quarterly and meetings are open to the public.


February 27, 2025
May 15, 2025
August 14, 2025
October 2025 (Tree Tour – exact date and location to be determined)
November 13, 2025