Public Feedback

District Maps submitted by the public are now available.

Public Comments

June 7, 2022

The following two PDF files have been included in the Public Comments section as a matter of public record.

March 28, 2022 @ 08:27 pm
Topic: Oops, sorry about using the personal email — Fw: Carpinteria District Elections — The map I support is …
By: Amy Marie Orozco


Dear Honorable City Council Members:

I apologize for sending an email to some of your private email addresses. I can understand how annoying that may be.

Here’s why I did so: I can’t be sure you received my email as I rarely receive acknowledgement. So I figured that trying twice would heighten the chances of my voice being heard.

Here’s my suggested solution: The city use an “automatic reply” response, similar to what the County of Santa Barbara and many other public and private sector organizations do. (Certainly, I don’t expect a special email from you, but knowing that my email landed in your inbox would be helpful.)

Actually, I think it would be of great service if all city staff and elected/appointed officials had automatic reply. Please consider this.

Thank you for your service. It is appreciated.


Amy Marie Orozco

March 28, 2022 @ 05:36 pm
Topic: District Elections Maps and Plans
By: Nadine Hug Martins


Dear Olivia

Thank you for sending these maps.

What are the reasons behind the differences in A2 and A3 maps?

Why are the bluffs across from proposed district area D not part of area D?

Why are large parts of Carpinteria Valley not part of the City?

Thank you

. Nadine Hug Martins .

March 28, 2022 @ 04:10 pm
Topic: District Election Map Adopt A3
By: Katherine Culbertson


Honorable Mayor and City Council Members,
I understand the task to create a district map for Carpinteria is not an easy one.

However, visually, Map A2 appears to be a clear case of gerrymandering.

The boundary lines on Map 3 are cohesive and make sense on the ground. Neighborhoods are not divided. Star Pine Rd. and Pacific Village as well my own neighborhood are kept intact as viable neighborhoods.

District elections maps are meant to represent all the people as fairly as possible.
Please do the right thing and vote to adopt district election map A-3.

Katherine Culbertson

March 28, 2022 @ 04:04 pm
Topic: District Map
By: Carol Kernahan


Dear Mayor and Council Members,
I favor Map A3 as the better choice for Carpinteria’s redistricting.
I am confused by map A2. What is happening with the jagged lines?
Thank you for considering A3 as the best option.
Carol Kernahan

March 28, 2022 @ 12:23 pm
By: Rosa Markolf


City Council:

Map A3 is clearly the map that should be selected. In keeping with the “process” without regard for the “persons” it eliminates the unnecessary splits in neighborhoods, which breaks up close knit communities of interest. Clearly, Map 3 makes clear common sense and achieves the desired results.

Rosa Markolf

March 28, 2022 @ 11:29 am
Topic: Carpinteria District Elections — The map I support is …
By: Amy Marie Orozco


Dear Honorable City Council Members:

I support Map A3 for creating Carpinteria’s new districts. This division of the city does the best job of keeping the integrity and character of Carpinteria neighborhoods.

Thank you for your service.

Amy Marie Orozco

March 28, 2022 @ 11:10 am
Topic: Map A3
By: Jacquelyn Geary


I am proud to be a Star Pine Road home owner and resident since 1985. We are a “community” (Candlestick Lane at Christmas, 4th of July parade down our street) within a community! it is important we continue to stay one neighborhood.

I strongly support map A3! It provides better balance for population as well as equal representation .

Thank you,

Jacquelyn Geary

March 28, 2022 @ 09:56 am
Topic: redistricting Maps
By: Caroline Thompson


Dear City Council:

I am joining the chorus of citizens concerned about the redistricting of Carpinteria.

To any even ignorant set of eyes, Map A2 makes NO SENSE. It splits neighborhoods down the middle — how is Balkanization a good idea? It weighs heavily in favor of a more densely populated area, throwing our numbers out of whack. It denies the natural boundary of Casitas Pass Road. It even goes so far as to DEFY THE GUIDELINES set forth in the State Elections Code. Why? To what purpose? It makes us suspect that there is a HIDDEN AGENDA. Is there? That is a terrible feeling…

I am respectfully requesting that there be a unanimous vote IN FAVOR OF MAP A3. It is the fair and the SENSIBLE choice. We are proud of our town; please help us be proud of you.

Caroline Thompson

March 27, 2022 @ 11:02 pm
Topic: I’m in favor of map A3
By: Shirley Johnson


Dear Carpinteria City Council Members,

I am in favor of map A3 for the new elections districts. It seems to be a superior map with more integrity because
the districts are more regularly drawn without the obvious “dog leg” and “picket fence” shapes exhibited on map A2.

Thank you for all you do!

Shirley Johnson

March 27, 2022 @ 09:14 pm
Topic: Illogical conclusions of the redistricting maps
By: Catherine Overman


I’m not sure how this all came about but when I looked at the A-2 map and heard how the majority of neighbors independently came up with the little dimaflugey of a squiggle on the proposed map I wondered how in the world did this happen? It defies logic that it is the preferred rendition. Only if one were told to draw this configuration could it have come about.

I filled out a map and never would have dreamt of this concocted neighborhood layout.

Apparently we were not paying enough attention. It is a full time job paying attention to all the tomfoolery that comes our way.

Be logical when you revote on this issue. We have your full attention.

I wish to be a part of the A-3 map.

Catherine Overman
Bailard District

March 27, 2022 @ 07:25 pm
Topic: District Mapping
By: Emilie Griffin


As residents of Star Pine Road we want to express our dismay that any redistricting map would divide our close-knit one-way street into two different districts as Map A2 does. We are a cohesive, supportive neighborhood comprised of many people who have lived here a long, long time and know each other very well. It would be a poor decision to split this street in half, and it would also be the opposite of what you have said you are attempting to do:

#3: Local neighborhoods and communities will be respected in a manner that minimizes its division and empowers its residents.
·#4: The district lines will follow identifiable boundaries that follow natural or artificial barriers (rivers, streets, highways, rail lines, etc.)
(From the website)

Please do all that you can to make sure that the Star Pine neighborhood is kept in one piece in the new districting map as it is drawn in Map A3 which does indeed follow the “natural barriers” you mention in item item #4.

Frank and Emilie Griffin

March 27, 2022 @ 07:04 pm
Topic: Appropriate division of districts
By: Teda Pilcher


Dear Members of the City Council,

I support Map A 3 as a more appropriate division of districts reflecting the interests of the community.


Michael P. Sipiora, Ph.D.

March 27, 2022 @ 04:27 pm
Topic: Monday 3/28/22 Item Redistricting Process
By: Susan Mailheau


Dear City Council Members,

You have been bombarded by loud voices, many crying “MISINFORMATION,” on the subject of District Mapping. But look around. Many of these are the same vocal and outspoken people who would have you think they represent the majority. They do not.

The truth is that the majority looked at the placemats you circulated and had faith in their city to do the right thing. And gradually, a relatively small group of people – those same self-serving voices – convinced you to manipulate the districting map to best-achieve their own goals. Why else be so combatively insistent? I am afraid that the result of districting, especially to favor this demanding group, will result in a loss of our city’s deeply heartfelt values.

I am asking you this: Will each of you please use your own individual introspection and ask yourself to look around Carpinteria? Remember the Salt Marsh. See the miles-long unspoiled beach, punctuated by a mere 15 hundred feet “allowed” for a colony of wild but peaceful marine mammals. Remember the serene, open spaces of the Bluffs, hard fought for by the real citizens’ voices and personal contributions. You may never see these magical places; the ever-expanding freeway is a physical barrier, and your work schedule is demanding. But I highly recommend that you allow that magic to infuse you.

This was the result of your predecessors who had the worldly circumspect and wisdom to recognize priceless value. They were well-aware that Carpinteria is rare and is in dire danger of falling prey to developers who are eager to rob this land of its virginity for their own personal avarice.

Many of those loud voices around you are trying to hammer out your ability to think. Do you want to stand on the shoulders of the wise council that preceded you, who knew that over-development has destroyed beach communities all along the coast, who knew that areas once blessed with wildlife are long-gone nationwide, who understood intuitively the true cost once the beach has been smothered in fine sediment, saving a buck but endangering the marine ecosystem well into the future…..or do you want to pursue popularity whatever the cost to our land and however brief?

I ask that you vote with your conscious, and select map A3.

Susan Mailheau, DVM

March 27, 2022 @ 04:08 pm
Topic: Plam3A
By: Randall T Moon


Dear Council member,

Pllan 3A repairs many of the issues that were exposed for plan A.. iIt is the best fit for the city.. Please vote for it.

Thanks for reading my comments.

Randall T Moon

March 27, 2022 @ 02:38 pm
Topic: Adoption of Map A-3
By: Mike Ledbetter


From Michael R. Ledbetter
Former Mayor and City Councilmember
[Address Redacted]

Regarding Drawing District Map

Dear City Councilmembers:

I am encouraged by your Council’s March 14 vote to consider adoption of Map A-3 and urge your vote in favor thereof at your meeting of March 28, 2022. Map A-3 is the alternative which recognizes and follows the redistricting criteria found in the California Elections Code and referenced on the City’s redistricting website.

Local neighborhoods are respected, division of neighborhoods and local interests are minimized in Map A-3. District lines will recognize traditional boundaries and neighborhoods will not be split as in other maps under consideration. Most importantly, boundaries will not be drawn to serve the interests of council members seeking to use their redistricting authority merely to retain their present office. The fact that one of your members expressly stated, at your January 24 meeting, that retention of present councilmembers seats is his preferred objective in adopting a new map of districts is a matter of concern to many city residents, including me. Your council should firmly and expressly reject this objective and adopt a map which doesn’t split neighborhoods down the middle of the street for no clear reason.
The only discernable reason Map A-2 splits neighbor from neighbor as it does is to place existing councilmembers into separate districts for the purpose of future elections. This unallowable purpose is legally unsupportable and adoption of Map A-2 would affect this council’s legacy accordingly with regard to the integrity of your service to the community whose interests you promised to serve.

I concur in the remarks and observations made by Former Mayor Donna Jordan regarding adoption of district boundary maps.

Thank you for your consideration and again I urge you to vote for adoption of Map A-3.

Michael R. Ledbetter

March 27, 2022 @ 02:30 pm
Topic: map A3 is the better choice for Carp
By: Ross Robins


Dear Mr. Carty,

As a long-time Carp resident, I’m concerned about the redistricting process and especially the evident lack of thoroughness in weighing the benefits of the two competing maps. The strange configuration of districts in A2 and the questionable ethics of drawing district lines to facilitate re-election of current council members are two crucial reasons for pausing and reconsidering. On careful inspection of the two maps, it seems undeniable that A3 is the more appropriate choice in terms of neighborhood integrity and the legal guidelines for redistricting.

I urge you to support A3.

Ross Robins

March 27, 2022 @ 12:03 pm
Topic: Illogical conclusions of the redistricting maps
By: City Council Redistricting


Dear Mayor and Council members,

Map A3 has logical boundaries and keeps neighborhoods intact.
It is important for our city that the redistricting map reflect accurately the interests of each neighborhood community.

Map A2 has some irregular boundaries which split neighborhoods right down the middle of the street. Pacific Village and Star Pine are examples of neighbors, living across the street from each other, who would be voting for different representatives . This makes absolutely no sense. Sterling and Eleanor streets are other examples of neighborhood communities which would be separated by Map A2. Clearly, Map A2 divides neighborhood communities of interest.

Map A3 keeps neighborhoods intact with logical boundaries. Neighborhoods are not divided and will have the same representative. Map A3 is the obvious and most impartial choice for redistricting our city.


Louise Hansen

March 26, 2022 @ 07:31 pm
Topic: Proposed district map preference
By: Alan Piltz


I am in favor of MAP A3. Map A2 splits too many neighborhoods and seems more haphazard in its boundaries.

March 26, 2022 @ 07:27 pm
Topic: support for map A3
By: Michael Sipiora


Dear Members of the City Council,

I support Map A 3 as a more appropriate division of districts reflecting the interests of the community.


Michael P. Sipiora, Ph.D.

March 25, 2022 @ 07:25 pm
Topic: Illogical conclusions of the redistricting maps
By: Redistricting


Dear Greg,

As a councilman for our city, I urge you to vote to adopt Map A3 for our redistricting.
I am a resident of Star Pine and see no reason to split our 28 house street into 2 separate districts.

Thank you,
Shanon Astudillo Sedivy

March 26, 2022 @ 03:51 pm
Topic: Redistricting map
By: Dian Brens



I am opposed to the implementation of redistricting plans, according to a proposed A-2 map. I’m opposed based on boundary changes on the basis of where a council individual lives, which in my understanding is a violation of a rule. Please abandon this proposal in favor of the A-3 map.
Arbitrary changes in violation of the rules would leave our city at the mercy of whim and fancy. Please follow the procedure and abandon A-2 in favor of A-3.


Dian Brens

March 26, 2022 @ 03:46 pm
Topic: Redistricting plan
By: Carlos Brens



It is my understanding that a rule, as concurred by the city attorney, prevents boundary changes on the basis of where a council individual lives. I sincerely hope that such a stipulation would not be ignored or overlooked based on serendipity. This would render the proposed A-2 redistricting map invalid. The A-3 map seems more logical and less arbitrary in its division.

I highly recommend that A-2 be scrapped in favor of A-3. It’s not just that A-3 violates a rule. It also sets a bad precedence for future boundary determinations and for the fairness of governance in our city. In order to enact A-2, the proper course would be to change the rules in order to make it viable. Please, seriously consider my request to abandon A-2 in favor of A-3.


Carlos Brens

March 26, 2022 @ 03:34 pm
Topic: District Map
By: Johanna Sedivy


To whom it may concern,
I have lived on Star Pine road my whole 31 years of life and found out about the potential of a splitting down the middle of the street for district elections. I am NOT ok with (Map A2) that will split the street down the middle.
The map I chose to better represent my street is (A3)
Please respect my choice and use Map A3.
Thank You,
Johanna Sedivy

March 26, 2022 @ 01:26 pm
Topic: Sequencing Schedule/Council Agenda March 28, 2022/Agenda Item # 16
By: Russell Ruiz


Honorable Members of the City Council:

My theme for my Map Memo was, this is not supposed to be complicated nor controversial. If it is complicated and controversial you are doing something wrong. I have the same theme here. This should not be complicated nor controversial. Also please remember my repeated comment in my prior Memo, this is not directed at any individual. This is more important than any individual. You are setting up procedures that will outlive all of us and I hope you keep that in mind as you decide these important issues. This is for the long term. It is not about what might happen to any individual in November. For this discussion I will be guardedly optimistic and assume you will adopt Map A3 and I will use the District lettering that we are used to. If you adopt Map A3 as you should, obviously we need elections in Districts C, D and E this year. We need representation for Districts C and D. We need an election in District E and may the best person win.

If anyone is going to promote another approach I hope you will give us voters the benefit of a thorough explanation because I cannot imagine any reasonable, logical alternative. If one of you will make that argument please include exactly what you expect to happen in 2024.

On the proposed Ordinance, Section 4, Implementation, what is the reason for this? I hope a Council Member at the meeting will require Staff to give us all a thorough explanation why this authority is necessary; the scenario when it would be utilized; and why it could not be better addressed at a Council meeting. This is not personal to our City Manager. We all come and go but this authority will remain forever. What is the scenario where this authority would be necessary and in the best interests of the City? You can Notice a Special meeting anytime with 24 hours Notice. Absent an emergency and I cannot imagine what that would be, you could place the matter on a Regular meeting Agenda and address it there in the regular course of business, in Public and in front of your constituents. If it is a trivial technical issue, place it on the Consent Agenda with a Staff Report and be done with it. It was my responsibility for 30 years to help administer local Public Agencies, I strongly advise you against this Section of the Ordinance. It invites potential trouble, why? Strike Section 4 from the Ordinance and it is otherwise fine.

Thank you,

Respectfully submitted

Russell Ruiz

March 26, 2022 @ 12:25 pm
Topic: Redistricting
By: Susan Everett


Dear Carpinteria City Council,
I live in the Pacific Village neighborhood and I am in support of map A3 which does not divide our neighborhood into two districts but also seems to follow similar lines as drawn by the census.

Please support map A3.

Susan Everett

March 26, 2022 @ 09:18 am
Topic: Districting ~ Map 3A
By: C Kathleen Lord


Dear City Carpinteria Council Members & Staff ~

The districting task is a difficult and very complex task. Creating a “map” is beyond my computer skills but I did meander through the City website:
I clicked on Districting “More Info”

I clicked on “About”

I clicked on “Districting Process FAQ”

I clicked on “What Criteria Will Our City Council Use to Draw District Lines?”

In my opinion, the general directions for and purpose of this difficult task are clear and should remain in the forefront of our minds when analyzing the various maps created and proposed.

“Following state and federal laws, and districting best practices, boundaries will be adopted using the following criteria:

1. Each district will be comprised of one area – and all connected so it makes sense to residents.

2. The Federal Voting Rights Act will be followed to ensure there is no discrimination or weakening of communities protected by the Act.

3. Local neighborhoods and communities will be respected in a manner that minimizes its division and empowers its residents.

4. The district lines will follow identifiable boundaries that follow natural or artificial barriers (rivers, streets, highways, rail lines, etc.)

5. Boundaries will not be drawn with the interests of council member or candidate residences or for purposes of favoring or discriminating against a political party.”

Map A3 clearly reflects the most successful alignment with these criteria.
I urge you to adopt Map A3.
C K Lord

March 26, 2022 @ 09:12 am
Topic: redistricting -vote for map A3
By: Randall T Moon


I am surprised and disappointed at how many times a year I feel compelled to write to express my concerns over some action or plan of the council or other city managers. The first egregiously ill-considered action was to allow dumping of the Montecito mudslide debris into the ocean. As some one knowledgeable about environmental impacts I thought this decision was rather ill advised-it effectively sterilized the shore for decade. Great job. You guys really do need a standing subcommittee of people trained in science, medicine, and technology to avert future acts of ignorance.

AND NOW WE COME TO DRAWING A MAP FOR REDISTRICTING: Rather than finding a consensus where you can vote 5-0 you seem intent on going with a fractious 3-2 vote version-without even letting every council member express their concerns. I won’t invest any more time in pointing out the deficiencies of the A2 map, but suffice it to say PASS MAP A3 unless you want to galvanize opposition to your re-election.

Randall Moon
Professor Emeritus, Univ of Washington

March 25, 2022 @ 07:42 pm
Topic: Redistricting
By: Shanon Sedivy


Dear Wade,

Star Pine Rd is a very close and cohesive neighborhood. With only 28 houses it is ridiculous to consider splitting it into 2 separate districts.
I urge you to follow the guidelines and keep all of Star Pine Rd in one district.
Please change your vote and accept Map A3. It makes sense and allows neighborhoods to stay
together in choosing representation on our city council.

Thank you,
Shanon Astudillo-Sedivy

March 25, 2022 @ 05:18 pm
Topic: District Maps
By: Joan Harz


Dear Wade and Roy,
I am writing to you as Carpinteria City Council members regarding the district voting maps. I am actually a neighbor to you both as I live on Star Pine Road. My husband and I have lived here since 1976. Wade, you are right around the corner from us and I know you live on a dead end street also. Roy, we walk through your Pacific Village neighborhood several times a week on our daily walk and it is also a dead end. I don’t know about the two of you but our street is a strong neighborhood unit. We share common interests and concerns. For the most part, the houses on our street are all owner occupied, single family homes. Please don’t split our street right down the middle by voting on Map A2.
I want to assure you both that my feelings are not politically motivated for or against either one of you nor do I question your ethics as has been implied in some letters to the editor in the Coastal View. I know you both want what is best for Carpinteria. Dividing neighborhoods is not the best. Map A3 is better balanced for population and equal representation. Also, Roy, I have heard comments that you feel the City should follow what the consultant who drew map A2 recommended. That person was not from this area and did not follow the criteria derived from the State Elections Code. I see no reason why you feel the City owes this consultant any allegiance.
Please, keep my comments in mind when you vote for the District Elections Map and vote for Map A3.
Thank you,
Joan Harz

March 25, 2022 @ 01:23 pm
Topic: Redistributing Maps
By: Joan Harz


My husband and I have lived on Star Pine Road since 1976. Since this is a dead end street, the neighbors have developed a close knit community. We share common interests with regard to our neighborhood. We do not favor Map A2 which splits our street right down the middle. It is also in violation of some of the criteria derived from the State Elections Code. We favor Map A3 which is a better balanced for population and equal representation.
Thank you,
Joan Harz

March 25, 2022 @ 10:10 am
Topic: Star Pine Road district mapping change
By: Jerry Watkins


We wanted to let you know that we are in favor of “MAP A3”

Thank you for accepting our input………Jerry and Brenda Watkins,
Carpinteria, CA

March 24, 2022 @ 06:17 pm
Topic: District Elections/Council Agenda March 28, 2022/Agenda Item #15
By: Russell Ruiz


Honorable Members of the Council:

In light of how the last meeting went I will start here by stating unequivocally that I respect and like Council Member Lee and if we were not forced into District Elections, I would have voted for him in November. I believe Council Member Lee is a fine person, a nice guy and a dedicated Public Servant.

My Commentary on this subject is not personal to anyone. This process is bigger and more important than any individual and will outlast all of us. I am uniquely informed on Local District Elections. I have been involved with Local Government for over 38 years, and I have been studying and following our Local Governments since I was in High School with the Mayor. I took a look at our Yearbook, the Mayor looked a little different back then.

District Election Law is arcane and not many know anything about it. The transition in my experience is always difficult. I tried to help our City through the process that I will live with for the rest of my Life. The fact that it has gone badly here is certainly not my fault. I have stated repeatedly that I am not an advocate of District Elections and it particularly makes no sense in a City as small as ours. Unfortunately we did not get to vote on that issue. Maybe because of my professional background, I do believe we have to have integrity in the process. In saying that I am not accusing any individual of a lack of integrity but, as you are getting tired of hearing, I have followed this area of the Law and Local District Election implementation for almost 10 years now and in my opinion there is no reasonable justification for A2 over A3 except that it would allow Council Member Lee to run for re-election.

Anyone who knows anything about legally appropriate Districting only has to look at the two Maps side by side to decide this one, your eyes do not lie. That is my theme for this hearing. Your eyes do not lie. When you have to create a jigsaw puzzle like A2 District B to achieve your ends, you just have to step back and acknowledge, that cannot be right. I am also impressed with the Public Comments you have received on the District Elections website (finally). As politicians you must pay attention when after a disappointing lack of Public participation throughout most of this process, your choice of A2 has generated a firestorm, especially from residents of Star Pine and Pacific Village. That is the kind of input from neighborhoods that you are supposed to listen to in this Districting process. I hope you are not tone deaf in response to that. I did try to warn you but of course I was ignored by the majority. Our City’s reputation and yours is at stake here.

I believe the Coastal View Ad perfectly illustrates my point. Why would you want those jig saw puzzle boundaries on the East and West sides of District B, instead of the clean, reasonable District boundaries of A3? I have asked repeatedly for an explanation and the only one given is that “someone” (???) originally drew Map A (several Public proponents of A2 keep claiming that the Consultant drew Maps A and A2, we all know that is not correct and if we wanted to go there, we could determine who originally drew Map A, it is a matter of Public Record) Map A was tweaked by Council to create A2, and we are told A and A2 were the “most popular” however that poll was conducted. I do not know. The bottom line is, popularity is not the criteria. Segregationist maps have long been very popular in the South throughout American history. That did not make them right. There has been no explanation to try to justify the jig saw puzzle boundaries of A2 District B and there isn’t one that is legitimate and consistent with the rules of Districting.

At the end of this process you get to explain to the voters what you did and why as they try to understand this new way of electing our City Council. Do you want to explain a jig saw puzzle that makes no sense or do you want to explain a “clean” Map, A3, with logical boundaries. Gee, use Casitas Pass, our City’s East boundary and a main thoroughfare, as the logical boundary between Districts B and D. Gee, clean up those weird jig saw puzzle boundaries on the West side of District B. That makes sense and makes your explanation to the voters much easier. What is the possible argument otherwise here? Is someone going to step up and try to explain to us why A2 is the better approach for our City than A3? I have not heard it yet but I am all ears. You are our City’s leaders, if you are going to continue to support A2 after all this hullabaloo, you need to explain to us why and just because you like it is not an explanation. “I like A2 over A3 because ………………………………………………………………………………..?”

You have heard enough of my legal arguments, let’s just be practical. If you adopt A2 the Mayor will be elected to represent District D. If you adopt Map A3 as you should, we will have a new Council person from District D and the Mayor will be re-elected to represent District B in 2024. In addition to following the Law I have also followed the history of District Election implementation across the State. As often as not, in the first election after implementation, the goals of the Latino activists behind the effort have been ultimately unsuccessful. As often as not a White male Republican gets elected out of a majority Latino District. That is not the criteria. The criteria is that the process is supposed to give Latinos the opportunity to get one of their own elected. That will be the case in District D if you adopt Map A3. Who knows who will actually get elected but a Latino interested in running will at least have the chance to win. If you stick with A2 that opportunity disappears.

This has been an unfortunate end to this process. I apologize for some of my pointed Comments, they were the product of my frustration at being ignored, your choice of A2, and how much I care about our City where, God willing, I will live for the rest of my Life and I hope our now teenage daughter decides to live here as well. The speakers at the last meeting who were arguing that the Gerrymandering claims were without merit, do not know what they are talking about. Rather than address the factual and legal issues raised by Gerrymandering, they instead spent their time defending the integrity of the Mayor and Councilman Lee. That is not the issue here. I expect none of those speakers could have spelled Gerrymandering 6 months ago nor could have explained what it means without looking it up first.

One of the loudest proponents of Map A2, in a Letter to the Coastal View this week all but admitted that Map A2 was intentionally drawn to support the re-election of the Mayor and Councilman Lee. I know that he did not understand it as he wrote his Letter, but he has admited that Map A2 is a perfect example of Gerrymandering. In his view that is just fine if it has the intended result of electing his favored candidates. The Law and I believe a majority of our engaged residents have a different view. We know he is a political ally of the Council Members who originally voted for A2. That is why he is on the ARB without any prior professional land use experience, probably the only ARB member in Santa Barbara County with that resume. He votes in favor of every development project that comes before the Board, and he has a documented Conflict on the Surfliner Project. His attack on Donna Jordan and Council Member Clark in his Coastal View Letter is indicative of how out of touch he is with historic Carpinteria, and the culture that makes us so unique and great, and the reason our family lives here.

To make my point, I am not a proponent of District Elections because I would prefer to vote for all 5 Council Members and given the opportunity to do so, I would have voted for both the Mayor in 2024 and Councilman Lee this year. Unfortunately we do not get to do that anymore and your support for Councilman Lee cannot properly be the basis of your vote for Map A2.

I have addressed this issue several times now and Councilman Clark addressed it at the last meeting: District D East of Casitas Pass is condos and mobile homes. The Census block at issue West of Casitas Pass consists of single family homes each worth more than a million dollars. Those neighborhoods West of Casitas Pass have everything in common with the rest of District B. They have nothing in common with the condos and mobilehomes in District D. That is the bottom line here. Please do the right thing for our Community!

Thank you

Respectfully submitted,

Russell Ruiz

March 24, 2022 @ 05:18 pm
Topic: March 28th Meeting re District Maps
By: Sheila Tenold


Hello Mr. Carty,

This is the first time I have written to a Council member. I have lived at 5336 Star Pine Rd since 1974. Our dead end street is a small neighborhood and I favor Map A3 to keep us a neighborhood and not divide our street. We are a close knit group and as you know are also known as Candlestick Lane at Christmas time.

I hope to speak at the March 28th meeting as a Star Pine resident. I sent in a comment before the March 14th meeting but for some reason it did not go through.
I’ve emailed my Map preference to the City’s special email address listed in the Coastal View but I wish to be sure my voice is heard.

I sincerely thank you,
Sheila Tenold

March 24, 2022 @ 04:37 pm
Topic: District Elections
By: Gary Campopiano


I believe that map A3 is preferable. Map A2 appears convoluted with too many twists and turns and splitting neighborhoods.

March 24, 2022 @ 03:05 pm
Topic: Proposed Redistricting Maps
By: David Weniger


Carpinteria City Council,

I am a resident of Star Pine Road for forty years and support the adoption of MAP 3 which keeps the neighborhoods like Star Pine intact.

David Weniger

March 24, 2022 @ 12:45 pm
Topic: District Elections
By: Bryan Mootz


Good morning,

I have been following the debate regarding the our city’s redistricting maps. I have studied both of the maps, A2 and A3, and though the difference isn’t that great, there is a noticeable difference between the two. After all of this time I’m not sure why map A2 has what looks like pieces from a jigsaw puzzle trying to be forced into place. Map A3 seems to be more logical in its district boundaries. So I am putting my vote towards map A3. It’s just the logical, and I might add, fair choice. A3 it is. Than you for your time.

Bryan Mootz

March 24, 2022 @ 10:24 am
Topic: District lines
By: Anne Porter


To Whom It May Concern,

I have been a resident of 5348 Star Pine Road since 2014. Star Pine is a special place; the residents form a cohesive unit and a caring community. To divide us up into two separate districts makes no sense. The fundamental and most important unit of a town is the street neighborhood. We should not be split up. Please support Map A3, which eliminates the district boundary line that splits Star Pine Road.

Thank you for your consideration,
Anne H. Porter

March 24, 2022 @ 09:15 am
Topic: Support of A3 Map!
By: Marlene Hazen


The A3 map is superior in that it doesn’t carve up the community in which I reside. The population numbers are more balanced. I see that two council members live in the same community and will be forced to run against one another for the same seat, but that’s the way of politics!

Marlene Hazen of Carpinteria, California

March 23, 2022 @ 05:27 pm
Topic: District Map A-2
By: Lorraine Mcintire


I am in favor of A-2. I have stated in previous comments and again at City Council meetings that district D of A-2 is linked by Via Real. Map A-3 splits off a section of District D where that particular section’s only access in/out of their neighborhood is Via Real. Why are others ignoring this logical connection? Some people are in an uproar about splitting neighborhoods and seem to be looking for the Trojan horse. Why are this select group of complainers only concerned about moving boundaries in such a way as to put Lee and Nomura in the same district? Isn’t that gerrymandering too? Talk about personal agendas. And how many of these complainers actually drew their own maps? How many of them were part of the process from day one, or did they only come out at the 11th hour because they were mobilized to do so by some special interests? Many in this group assert that the City’s reputation will be damaged if they choose A-2 and they compare this to the damage they perceive is being done as a result of the City’s support of a railroad hotel. Bingo… I think I just uncovered the reason why this small group of complainers is against A-2. But be warned… that whoever runs in any district still has to govern the whole community and not just a special interest.

March 23, 2022 @ 01:23 pm
Topic: Election maps
By: Paul Popnoe


Map A3 makes more sense, don’t split Star Pine down the middle.

March 22, 2022 @ 02:05 pm
Topic: redistricting maps
By: Bob Sedivy


Dear City of Carpinteria:

I live on Star Pine Road and favor map A3 since it does not split our dead end street right down the middle into two different districts. Map A3 also conforms to the criteria which is used to draw district lines.


Bob Sedivy

March 21, 2022 @ 05:58 pm
Topic: Re Draft Maps for City Council meeting March 28
By: Jay Taber



I have lived at 5336 Star Pine Rd since 1974. Our Star Pine Road community should not be divided. We are a dead end street and a neighborhood in itself. I want MapA3 so our street is together in one district with other single family residences.

Thank you,
Sheila Tenold

March 21, 2022 @ 05:00 pm
Topic: District Maps
By: Jay Taber


Map A3 is the logical choice of the maps put forth, as it has compact districts, the district lines follow major arteries thus keeping neighborhoods together as much as possible and it has a low population deviation. For those extolling the virtues of Map A2 I would only ask that if this map, as drawn, put Councilmembers Lee and Nomura in the same district, would you still think it was the best map?

March 21, 2022 @ 01:47 pm
Topic: Redistricting Maps
By: Ken Wozniak, Ph.D.



This is to ask that Map A3 be adopted, since it best meets the redistricting criteria and avoids even the appearance of gerrymandering. Some may try to argue that Map A2 was not gerrymandered, although they would have a very hard time convincing anyone who objectively looks at the two maps. Be that as it may, even if A2 was not gerrymandered, it gives the appearance of having been gerrymandered. Adoption of it certainly will damage the reputation of the city for many years to come, and erode faith in the integrity of the city council (which already has been significantly compromised over the railroad hotel fiasco). Since Map A3 does the job without the appearance of gerrymandering, why would an alternate that appears to have been gerrymandered even be considered?

The reputation of the City of Carpinteria is at stake. I urge you to adopt Map A3.

Thanks very much,

Ken Wozniak, Ph.D.

March 21, 2022 @ 01:36 pm
Topic: Redistricting
By: Mary and Paul Zeoli


First of all, I appreciate all of the work that everyone has put into this. I have not been able to attend meetings but I have following the process. I vote for map A3, it is the map that makes the most sense. I have friends on Star Pine and Pacific Village and it breaks up those 2 areas which makes to sense at all. I live at 5159 Ogan Rd. but would be districted with the area over at Bailard Ave. The A3 map has better natural boundary lines. I have friends on Star Pine and in Pacific Village that are very confused that their streets would be divided. Thank you for considering my feeling with an email.

Mary and Paul Zeoli

March 21, 2022 @ 09:28 am
Topic: Input on Draft Redistricting Maps
By: Jane Taber


Let the Better Map Win

I hate to see our community erupt with the vitriol displayed at the last council meeting, but I believe this has resulted in the development of a better redistricting map for Carpinteria.

Map A3 is simpler, with logical, regularly-shaped blocks that use main thoroughfares as boundaries. It maintains distinct voting blocks for both beach and mountain sides of the freeway so different issues that each face can be most efficiently addressed. It solves the concerns of Star Pine and Pacific Village residents, who are upset that their neighborhoods are carved up in the jig-sawed A2 map. The A3 map’s population differential numbers are lower and the number of Latino majority districts have been maintained.

In addition, A3 avoids any hint of gerrymandering, which unfortunately Councilman Lee brought on himself when he stated in the January 24 city council meeting (1:45:24 point of the archived video feed) that he thought it was important to draw the boundaries so the current council members could remain on the council.

But this isn’t about Councilman Lee. The council is charged with creating election districts that are balanced in size and protect the interest of the communities within those districts. Our city attorney has made it clear that political parties and incumbents’ addresses cannot be a consideration in that process.

My lawyer dad always used to say: “It’s not enough to do the right thing. You also have to avoid the appearance of doing the wrong thing.” Adopting map A3 will allow the city council to do both.

Jane Taber

March 20, 2022 @ 09:00 am
Topic: Redistricting maps
By: William Harz


City Council

Having lived on Star Pine Road for 47 years I am in favor of Redistricting map A3, so our neighborhood is not split.  We have always held a high standard of neighborhood involvement, more so than most neighborhoods, it just does not make common sense to split our street down the middle for  Redistricting.

I had submitted my request for last weeks meeting,  but unfortunately it disappeared along with my other neighbors requesting that we be allowed to stay as one non split neighborhood.

Bill Harz

March 20, 2022 @ 08:44 am
Topic: Public Feedback from William Harz
By: William Harz


I am in favor of map A3, so our neighborhood on Star Pine Road is no split.

March 18, 2022 @ 06:06 pm
Topic: District map
By: Lynda Fairly


I support map A3. So does my family.  It is the only logical map.  It keeps communities together!!

March 18, 2022 @ 05:53 pm
Topic: District map
By: Lynda Fairly


I support map A3. It keeps communities together.

March 18, 2022 @ 09:15 am
Topic: By District Elections
By: Jon Lewis


I like this map I drew and posted anonymously. It’s similar to those discussed but doesn’t have any odd ‘doglegs’. It was drawn without regard to where current Council members live.

Dear Mr. Lewis,

Thank you for the comment. It will be included as a part of public comment received for City Council consideration at its March 28 meeting on this matter. I’m copying our City Clerk, Brian Barrett, here, so that he can provide instruction on the filing of public comment in the future to ensure it gets to the right place.


Dave Durflinger
City Manager
City of Carpinteria

March 17, 2022 @ 11:54 am
Topic: By District Elections
By: Aaron Smith

Esteemed City Council Members,

I was deeply saddened to read in the coast view that some of you do not agree with Map A-2. It was surprising to see the apparent misunderstanding of the guidance available for moving from an at large election to a by district election. This is a one-time occurrence, one of the major considerations you are allowed to use is, “continuity of office”. This is not a violation or gerrymandering! All of you were elected by the citizens of Carpinteria and deserve to run for re-election AFTER their term has been completed. I urge you to look around at any other office in Santa Barbara County who are going through the same process, I did, you will be hard pressed to find a map that does not allow current member to run for election without having to run 2 years early.

If you are not violation the Federal Laws, you can move the lines almost any way you want. The three Federal Laws Require Equal Population, Federal Voting Rights Act, no RACIAL gerrymandering. If you moved the lines to make it harder for a candidate of a protected race to get elected, that would be a violation! That is what it means! Map A2 is not doing this! After the demographer you hired assured you that you are not in violation of these three key principles you can then add some other commonly used principles.

  2. Planned future growth
  3. Follow visible and natural boundaries
  4. Contiguity
  5. Compactness
  6. Communities of interest.

All of these are common, and you are not mandated to use all of them.

I would love to see the lines moved a little bit, but I believe your lines must follow the census tracts. So, you are limited in how you can move the lines. I created and submitted a map early on in your process without using my name, so I understand the limitations. I don’t think the public understands that one side of Star Pine rests on a separate census tract. Clearly most of this process has had little public input as did our process for the CUSD School board. I have not heard anything about the process at the Sanitary District or Water district, have you? Just because 10 people don’t like the tract they ended up in does not make it right to change it! Please remember that all of you were elected to serve and this process should not change when you need to be re-elected. There is no perfect map there never will be, in 10 years some of you could be moving the lines again so don’t get stuck on this map.

With all due respect,

Aaron Smith
Production Director
Channel Islands Surfboards

If you could move a couple lines this is what I would do it would…. But I don’t think you can.   

Good morning Mr. Smith,

With regard to your question, all communication regarding district elections is by law subject to public review and therefore must be posted online until the redistricting process in 2030. Additionally, all messages to and from the email address are set up to become public comment for the purpose of transparency. Furthermore, per the Brown Act, communication involving any more than two council members must also be disclosed to the public. This email response to you as well as your question will also be posted to the website

Please let me know if I can help provide additional information. My direct email is and I am the primary staff member assigned to the transition to District Elections for the City of Carpinteria.


Olivia Uribe Mutal
City of Carpinteria Program Manager

March 17, 2022 @ 11:50 am
Topic: District Mapping
By: Lori Greenburg

I have reviewed the 5 draft maps and believe that Map A3 would be the best division of the districts for the Carpinteria City Council. The preferred map, Map A2, should not be used because it divides neighborhoods and looks like the lines are being drawn in a very irregular manner.

My second choice would be Map B.

Thank you,
Lori Greenburg

March 16, 2022 @ 09:58 am
Topic: Re: thank you for your vote on Monday regarding the maps
By: Amrita Salm

Appreciate your openness to work towards developing consensus on the district maps. Not sure it will happen but worth the try. Thank you.

Amrita Salm

Reply From: Gregg Carty, March 16, 2022 at 10:38:45 AM PDT

Thank you and I appreciate it.
Take care, Gregg

March 15, 2022 @ 12:08 pm
Topic: Districting
By: Gail Marshall

To those of you who agreed to look at additional maps last night, amending your motion from two weeks ago, I thank you.
I know I am being redundant when I say that this is no ordinary decision. Each of us has our biases. But working toward consensus on this map that will guide our elections for the next 10 years is important. Setting Carpinteria apart from the scrum of other cities/counties/agencies working on districts should be our goal.
I look forward to the next hearing on this issue. And I hope those individuals who want to use this process to promote their own personal agenda stay home.
It is your job to look at the big picture.
Thank you for your service.

March 14, 2022 @ 06:13 pm
Topic: Do not divide Star Pine Rd. in plan A2-RP
By: Henry Newton

Mayor Nomura & Council Members,

Donna Jordan met with residents of Star Pine Road yesterday to explain that Mayor Nomura and Council Members Lee and Carty voted in favor of plan A2-RP, which would divide Star Pine Rd. We home owners on Star Pine object to this plan.

Would Mr. Nomura, Lee and Carty be willing to meet with residents of Star Pine? We would like to explain how we try to keep a sense of community on this dead-end street, known as the Henderson Tract developed in the 1920s, by sponsoring parades for children on the 4th of July, Halloween, and shared Christmas decorations.

Please advise me how I could encourge passing Plan B, which would recognize the shared architectural history of the Star Pine and Vallecito district before it was divided by the freeway. The disigner of the two 1920s Bailard homes at the end of Star Pine (Stein and Priestman homes) built several homes on Star Pine in the 1920s. Our home was designed by the architects of Carpinteria Community Church ca. 1938-40.

Please tell me how I can access the Carpinteria historic survey resources sreport. Olivia is searching for it.

Donna’s plan also keeps Star Pine intact.

Thank you,
Henry Travers Newton

March 13, 2022 @ 11:28 pm
Topic: District Mapping > in favor of A-2
By: Kevin Twohy


The purpose of this letter is to point out errors in judgment or facts provided by previous letter contributors re the district mapping process

As a 20-year resident of Carpinteria and a local small business owner, I have followed many city and community debates and developments over the years but this is the first time I have submitted a letter re any matter. Dividing the city into relatively equal population districts was a difficult challenge, and I think the consultant did a really good job, given the unique boundaries and nuances of our city: the population of each district is very close to being equal to the others. I support District Map A-2 as proposed.

Responding to previous letter writer’s comments that A-2 is gerrymandered, those accusations fall flat. Dividing or splitting up neighborhoods occurs multiple times with A-2: residents on the west side of Elm Ave. are in District C, and residents on the east side of Elm Ave. are in District E; residents on the south side of Elenore Drive are in District A, and residents on the north side of Elenore Drive are in District B; residents on the west side of Azelea Drive are in District A, and residents on the east side of Azelea Drive are in District B; residents on the south and west side of Pacific Village Dr. are in District D, and residents on the north and east side of Pacific Village Dr. are in District B. There are numerous other examples of neighborhoods being split, but you get the point: there is no gerrymandering here by trying to split up neighborhoods. And keep in mind that none of the council members participated in the drawing up of A2 (or any of the other maps).

The city of Carpinteria is a physically small community, and it is reasonable to expect that current council members will live not too far from each other. But to assert that there is somehow gerrymandering going on is spurious and disingenuous to the integrity of this districting process, that utilized a 3rd party consultant.

March 13, 2022 @ 11:08 pm
Topic: New eComment for City Council Regular Meeting
By: Kevin Twohy


Meeting: City Council Regular Meeting

Item: 12. At the Request of Councilmembers Alarcon and Clark, City Council to Determine Whether to Reconsider and/or Amend the Motion and Vote Made at the February 28, 2022 City Council Meeting Regarding the Selection of Map A2 as the Proposed Final Map for Consideration of Adoption at the City Council Meeting of March 28, 2022.

eComment: I am in favor of District map A-2 as proposed. I oppose any changes to A2 and oppose any other maps. I live in District B and believe the map is a fair representation for Carpinteria.

March 13, 2022 @ 10:52 pm
Topic: New eComment for City Council Regular Meeting
By: Lorraine McIntire


Meeting: City Council Regular Meeting

Item: 12. At the Request of Councilmembers Alarcon and Clark, City Council to Determine Whether to Reconsider and/or Amend the Motion and Vote Made at the February 28, 2022 City Council Meeting Regarding the Selection of Map A2 as the Proposed Final Map for Consideration of Adoption at the City Council Meeting of March 28, 2022.

eComment: I support moving forward with Map A-2 as is. I live in District D and I specifically drew District D the way it is presented on Map A-2.

March 13, 2022 @ 07:06 pm
Topic: Draft plan A2-RP a problem for Star Pine Rd-your advice please
By: Henry Newton


Dear Olivia,

Donna Jordan met with residents of Star Pine Road yesterday to explain that Mayor Nomura and Council Members Lee and Carty voted in favor of plan A2-RP, which would divide Star Pine Rd.

How can we best voice our objection to this plan? Should I email each Council Member?

Would Mr. Nomura, Lee and Carty be willing to meet with residents of Star Pine? We would like to explain how we try to keep a sense of community on this dead-end street, known as the Henderson Tract developed in the 1920s, by sponsoring parades for children on the 4th of July, Halloween, and shared Christmas decorations.

Please advise me how I could encourge (sic) passing Plan B, which would recognize the shared architectural history of the Star Pine and Vallecito district before it was divided by the freeway.

Donna’s plan also keeps Star Pine intact.

Thank you for your help,

Henry Travers Newton
[Address redacted]

Hi Henry – You should submit a public comment via the district elections website here:

Which will guarantee they will receive it.


Olivia Uribe Mutal
City of Carpinteria Program Manager

March 13, 2022 @ 04:09 pm
Topic: New eComment for City Council Regular Meeting
By: Robert Sedivy


Meeting: City Council Regular Meeting

Item: 12. At the Request of Councilmembers Alarcon and Clark, City Council to Determine Whether to Reconsider and/or Amend the Motion and Vote Made at the February 28, 2022 City Council Meeting Regarding the Selection of Map A2 as the Proposed Final Map for Consideration of Adoption at the City Council Meeting of March 28, 2022.

eComment: We live on Star Pine Road and feel that dividing our dead end street into two different districts is not in conformity with the criteria for drawing district lines.

March 13, 2022 @ 10:02 am
Topic: New eComment for City Council Regular Meeting
By: Jayne Diaz


Meeting: City Council Regular Meeting

Item: 12. At the Request of Councilmembers Alarcon and Clark, City Council to Determine Whether to Reconsider and/or Amend the Motion and Vote Made at the February 28, 2022 City Council Meeting Regarding the Selection of Map A2 as the Proposed Final Map for Consideration of Adoption at the City Council Meeting of March 28, 2022.

eComment: I favor City Council Districts Map A2 to eliminate district lines that split communities of interest, specifically Sterling Ave., Eleanor, Star Pine and Pacific Village. Should be no gerrymandering in our city.

March 12, 2022 @ 07:32 am
Topic: Please vote to reconsider/amend redistricting motion and
By: Jane Taber


I see that there’s a March 14 city council agenda item to reconsider and/or amend the Feb. 28 redistricting motion and vote and I am writing to urge you to support reopening this discussion and including more maps in the decision process.

I live in the Arbol Verde neighborhood and don’t have a “dog in this fight ” over where the lines are drawn on the other side of the freeway. I do, however, have deep concerns about transparency and public trust. When Councilman Lee publicly stated at the Jan. 28 meeting that he felt it was important to draw the redistricting lines so that the current council remained in place (1:45:00 on the video transcript)— a practice that the city attorney explained was illegal — alarm bells began to ring.

Then, at the Feb. 28 meeting, Councilman Lee proposed a motion that only one map (which separated what would be his district from that of Mayor Nomura) be included for public consideration — despite suggestions of gerrymandering by Councilman Clark and a plea for “tweaks” by Councilwoman Alarcon — you seconded the motion, which led to a quick 3-2 vote that apparently shut down all other options and left your fellow council members’ concerns unaddressed.

Now members of the public have written letters to CVN suggesting that self-interest may be trumping public interest. It is vital that this process — the results of which we will all have to live with for 10 years — be thoroughly vetted. Let’s see the “cleaned up” map that other council members have requested and be given the chance to decide what’s best for Carpinteria, letting the political chips fall where they may.

It is clear that you deeply care about this city and you have always indicated that you appreciate hearing from the public. I wouldn’t have written if I didn’t think you would listen.

Thanks for your many years of service.

Jane Taber

March 10, 2022 @ 11:30 pm
Topic: Districting Maps
By: Amrita Salm


Mayor Nomura & all Carpinteria City Council Members,

I am writing to you about the decision made at the last City Council meeting of Feb. 28, 2022, about District Mapping. Many residents and some of the City Council members are not too enthusiastic about the process of “Districting” our small city which has been mentioned at each of these meetings. Yet, it is being done and should be done fairly.

I think there is a reason there is so little participation in City business: residents and registered voters do not feel that their voices are ever acted upon or that their voices are well represented by the Council. Why did only 120 people out of over 8,00 registered Carp voters send in their maps? We don’t even know how many of these people are registered Carp voters. Public input needs to be valued. It seems that it is not the case in Carpinteria at least that’s how many of us feel.

All four of the maps should be published, as Dave D. suggested could be done after the motion was made. Apparently, Wade did not want that to happen. Why not proceed with this process listening to both the residents and all the City Council members? It looks as if the districts are being drawn to protect and maintain at least four of the current city council members.

All council members must try to represent all the people of Carpinteria in an equitable, transparent manner. Not doing so is a dereliction of duty. Does it look like gerrymandering? Will those directly affected have a voice or just the council members who will maintain their seats? Does Plan A2 equate with racial/ethnic representation because three out of four council members like it? Why not publish all four maps? What is the purpose of Districting other than more representation of the community?

Let’s fight for democracy here in Carpinteria and throughout the world.


Amrita Salm
[Address redacted]

March 9, 2022 @ 3:23 pm
Topic: In favor of District Map A-2
By: Lorraine McIntire


I would like to thank the Council, City staff, special committees, consultants and everyone else involved with developing the outreach, tools, training materials, and map alternatives. I live in District D of Map A-2 which is very diverse in terms of socioeconomic influences but also in terms of race, religion, education and income. I am very engaged in my neighborhood and community. I am also very engaged in the whole districting process. I attended all the City meetings, I read all the published information, and as suggested during the early stages, I discussed the process with my neighbors. We all agreed Via Real and traffic management were key issues for us. For example, most of the streets in District D are linked to Via Real, the residents of whom are a mix of high to low priced single- family homes, high density housing, mobile home parks, commercial and undeveloped land. While one section of District D includes an irregularly shaped boundary block that runs between Casitas Pass and Linden, it still has a similar mix of high to low priced single-family homes, high density, commercial, and undeveloped land. This common connection was apparent during the recent creek fire arson incident which led many to believe there was a gas explosion and they needed to evacuate. To sum it up, District D is exactly as I drew it and is tied together by many common interests regardless of race, religion, education and income. Traffic, evacuation routes, parking, crime, etc. are what binds us together and we should be placed in one voting bloc. The claims of gerrymandering are unfounded.

Thank you.

March 8, 2022 @ 05:34 pm
Topic: City Council Meeting/March 14, 2020/District Elections
By: Russell Ruiz


Updated 10 March 2022

Honorable Members of the Council:

I would  appreciate having  Staff at the meeting  respond to the following question regarding Map A2, keeping these points in mind:

A)  Pacific Village Drive is a planned development of about 20 homes, almost identical, built at the same time, on a small  cul-de-sac street.

B)  Referring to the City’s District Elections website, under the heading “About”, under the heading “Districting Process”, under the heading “What criteria will our City Council use when drawing district lines?”:

3. Local neighborhoods will be respected in a manner that minimizes its division and empowers its residents.

4. The district lines will follow identifiable boundaries (streets, highways).

5. Boundaries will not be drawn with the interests of Councilmembers residences.

The question:

Please explain why, under the the California Voting Rights Act   it is appropriate to draw the boundary between Districts B and D  down the middle of the street on Pacific Village Drive that places a current Council Member’s residence in District B,  while his across the street neighbor,  living in an almost identical home,  is in District D where the Mayor resides?

With all due respect, I do not believe we would be here with so blatant and obvious a Gerrymandered Map if Peter Brown was still our City Attorney.  I mean come on, the boundary is literally a few feet in front of Council Member Lee’s home and places he and the Mayor in separate Districts.   Sometimes Public Agency attorneys need to earn their keep and tell their clients what they do not want to hear. I did it for over 25 years. That part of the job was never easy. In a law school exam, that example could define a Gerrymander.

I understand there is an alternative Map proposed  to help us reach consensus but remember my advocacy was the Clark Map, #79756 on the District Election website  that draws the boundary between Districts B and D where it should be,  at Casitas Pass Rd. That entire Census Block West of Casitas Pass should be in District B.  If that is what you do I will most likely vote for the Mayor in 2024.

While I am at it I have no idea why we have that odd zig zag boundary on the West side of District B, at the boundary with A. It makes no sense legally nor practically for those of us who live in that neighborhood. Why is our neighborhood aligned like that? Take a walk around, there is no apparent reason to those of us who live there. Again I support the Clark Map that cleans that up.

I believe one significant factor in this confusion and the problems with Map A2 is the quality of the Maps we received from the Consultant. They are almost impossible to read if we want to understand the details of where the Boundaries are. I expect very few residents besides the 3 Council Members who voted for A2 knew, before the last hearing,  that the Boundary between Districts D and B is down the middle of the street on Pacific Village Drive. That is certainly not apparent from the Map that was published in the Coastal View,  twice,  for Pubic Comment. After months of trying to follow the process, watching  every Committee and Council meeting on the subject, I did not know that and I was professionally trained to read and understand Land Use maps.

In the spirit of compromise and consensus I will support the Jordan/Clark maps that appear almost the same.

Thank you,

Russell Ruiz

March 6, 2022 @ 11:24 am
Topic: District Map A-2
By: Lorraine McIntire


Dear Mayor and Council

At the Feb 28 meeting, you voted 3:2 to move forward with Map A-2. Your decision was made after months of careful consideration, and again only after receiving majority support from the community. After reading all of these public comments (which are recurring and repetitive amongst the same three individuals), the authors seem to infer their “opinion” is somehow superior to the rest of the community (majority of who are in favor of A-2), and the majority of who also support the Council’s collective majority agreement to move forward with A-2. Rather than worry about whether there’s going to be a Hispanic contender, I think we should be concerned about why we don’t have more Hispanics registered to vote? Let’s do something about that. Regardless of whoever the current council person is in a particular district, that alone doesn’t prevent someone else from competing. Therefore based all said, I say enough is enough. The City has many more important things to deal with than trying to defend themselves against a few alarmists. Let’s do this…A-2.

March 4, 2022 @ 03:25 pm
By: Russell Ruiz



I told you I would report back after my lunch today with Lanny Ebenstein. To remind you, Lanny is on the Board for the Santa Barbara District Elections Committee, along with retired Judge Ochoa. It is my understanding that for SB South Coast matters Lanny and Judge Ochoa make decisions for the Comm. I believe we should keep this confidential as strategically it is not good news.

The Comm. was responsible for initiating the City District Election process here as well as at the School District and the Water District. Judge Ochoa and Lanny separately submitted Letters for the last City hearing. Like the rest of us they were ignored and are not happy about it.

They have decided they will not file litigation. As they have made that decision they are not comfortable threatening litigation. Sometimes that works sometimes it does not. One of the reasons they will not file litigation is that our City Attorney at the last hearing was correct in her response  to Carty’s  question about litigation. At the time I was not sure she was correct but Lanny confirmed she was. Carty’s question, obviously canned and written by someone else for him, asked about the prospect of successful litigation challenging  a Map as opposed to resisting District Elections completely.  Our City Attorney  responded that once a City commits to District  Elections the law provides a “shield” against most litigation claims. Lanny confirmed that is correct. For example our complaint about exactly where District boundary lines should be drawn would not likely be successful once the City is committed to conduct District Elections.

They will submit two Letters before the March 28 hearing.  One from Lanny one form Jacqueline Inda who is a SB Latina activist. I have been invited to ghost write both those Letters. For Lanny I expect writing a policy piece talking about the purpose of District Elections to promote diversity and our Plan A2 will not do that. For Inda I will focus on her Latina perspective and why A2 will deprive Latinos in District D of an opportunity to elect a Latino candidate.

I invite any and all suggestions for those Letters. I am thinking I will send them to Lanny Tuesday night or Wednesday.

I will submit my Memo once it is final. I am thinking of submitting it early to stir the pot,. Maybe the 18th. Unlike my usual approach I may attend the hearing in person and read my Memo,  but I will still submit the written email early.

That’s it for now.

Let me know any ideas.



On March 4, 2022 at 6:37 PM Gail Marshall wrote:

I don’t see that Map A2 interfers with the election of Latino candidates.

What it does is gerrymander in order to provide seats for existing Council Members. This goes against the directives on the City’s web page which states

you don’t create a map in the interest of a specific candidate and that you don’t

break up communities of interest – the Star Pine neighborhood and the Pacific Village neighborhood.

I will be submitting a letter to the editor over the weekend about those two issues as well as the fact that a 3/2 vote on an issue of this importance is blatant politics creating winners and losers rather than working for consensus and the good of the community.

None of this is illegal but it all sets a damaging precedent.


On March 4, 2022 at 6:52 PM Russell Ruiz wrote:

Could not agree with you more Gail.

ThanK You


March 4, 2022 @ 11:37 am
Topic: DRAFT City Council Meeting/March 28, 2020/District Elections
By: Russell Ruiz


Honorable Members of the Council:

I would like to hear someone at the hearing, on the record, respond to the following question, keeping these points in mind:

A) Pacific Village Drive is a planned development of about 20 homes, almost identical, built at the same time, on a closed cul-de-sac.

B) Referring to the City’s District Elections website, under the heading “About”, under the heading “Districting Process”, under the heading “What criteria will our City Council use when drawing district lines?”:

3. Local neighborhoods will be respected in a manner that minimizes its division and empowers its residents.

4. The district lines will follow identifiable boundaries (streets, highways).

5. Boundaries will not be drawn with the interests of Councilmembers residences.

The question:

Please explain why, under the the California Voting Rights Act it is appropriate to draw the boundary between Districts B and D in the middle of the street on Pacific Village Drive, that places a current Council Member’s residence in District B, while his across the street neighbor, living in an almost identical home, is in District D where the Mayor resides?

Thank you,

Russell Ruiz

March 3, 2022 @ 07:36 am
Topic: District Election Map A2
By: Russell Ruiz


Dear Dave:

It is disappointing that this is how this process ends but apparently there is significant question about where exactly the boundaries are for the Council selected Map A2. I thought I understood the current question but some residents very experienced in Local government and the Districting process have questioned where exactly the West and North boundaries of Map A2 District D are. Is the entirety of Pacific Village Drive in District D or is it,  or some part of it in District B?  It had been my interpretation of Map A2 that the West boundary at Linden that goes up Linden, has a North boundary at the School District property where the District Office is. Others believe that boundary does not encompass the entirety of Pacific Village Drive. That is our current question.

I have to believe that the City will have to submit a much more detailed Map to County Elections than what was in your Staff Report.  If we who live here and have followed this process  can’t answer this question for ourselves, I expect the County will require a Map that leaves no questions on this type of issue, Where in fact and exactly are these boundaries?

If such a detailed Map already exists I want to come to the Office and see it, photograph it, and/or get a copy. If you can otherwise answer our question I will take you at your word and I will want to see the Map submitted to County Elections when it is prepared and I ask that you advise me as soon as it is available.

I hope this does not have to become a formal  Public Records Act (“PRA”)  request. That would be unfortunate but of course I am an expert in how to do that if necessary. After all the pretense of Public engagement during this process, I hope we do not have to go there to get a fundamental, basic question answered. If I have to go there I can assure you my Request will be much broader than just this one question. I am sure you are well aware of the  types of “writings” subject to a formal PRA request and if you make me go there I will utilize my 30 years experience in formal litigation discovery. For the Council Members who may not be familiar with the Public Records Act process, it is not and is not intended to be a major undertaking for the Public requester. All it takes is a Letter addressed to the City and an appropriate description of the “writings” requested. I have had to do it on both sides of the table and I litigated to a successful Appeal a PRA case on behalf of my Public Agency client.   I can get very creative in identifying all the written communications I might be interested to read generated over the course of the last several  of months on this subject, including every email and text message between you and each individual Council Member on this subject. As our City Attorney was not significantly engaged in the process, I doubt much of the written correspondence on this matter, which includes emails and text messages, would be subject to any legitimate privileges at this point.  I really don’t want to spend my time that way and if we get this basic question answered I promise you I won’t go there.

Please let me know.

Thank you,

Russell Ruiz

On March 3, 2022 at 8:14 PM Olivia Uribe-Mutal <> wrote:

Hi Mr. Ruiz –

Your email was forwarded to me by Dave Durflinger.

With regards to a detailed map, you can view plan A2 on the DISTRICTR platform and zoom in a lot of detail to see street names and district boundaries. The links to DistrictR and all plans are on the Carpinteria District Election website:

I hope this is helpful.

All the best,


On March 3, 2022 at 9:10 PM RUSSELL RUIZ <> wrote:

I have tried that as have  others involved in this effort. It does not work. I want to see the Map the City will submit to County Elections or something that is reliable and that clearly depicts exactly where these boundaries are. We have asked a simple question that is not answered in any of the information the City has provided to the Public to date. The question  is,  exactly where are  the boundaries for Map A2 Districts D and B. No more beating around the bush, there are residents, (not me) who are compiling evidence of an organized effort to “cook the books” on what was really the “most popular’ Map. People much more sophisticated than I claim they are compiling evidence to show who actually posted support for Map A initially and later A2. There is no question at this point that there was an organized intentional  effort to Gerrymander the Map to support the opportunity for Council Members Nomura and Lee to be able to both run for re-election. At this point my only request to you is to show us exactly where those boundaries are for Map A2 Districts D and B, and where does Roy Lee’s residence lie in those Maps. HIs address is 5006 Pacific Village Drive. It should not be any problem at this point in the process at a City as small as ours, to answer that  simple question.  Where exactly is this boundary and which District is 5006 Pacific Village Drive in and how many feet is that from District D where Mayor Nomura’s residence lies?

This is now a serious matter and we need reliable accurate input. DistrictR is not going to do it.

Thank you,

Russell Ruiz

On March 5, 2022 at 11:10 AM RUSSELL RUIZ <> wrote:

This is actually intended for  Dave. So those of us following this process have pretty much given up. There will be some pointed Commentary over the next couple of weeks but we know we lost the battle. I have to tell you as someone who was on your side of the table for 30 years, I am very disappointed with the service we received from this Consultant. I was a Land Use attorney. I have been involved in Local government for 37 years. I cannot tell from the Map A2 provided to us by this Consultant exactly where the boundaries are for  the Election District B that I live in. If I can’t understand that basic fact,  you know just about no one else can either. Very disappointing.

Please, we need clear, easy to use, and understand Maps. Give us a Google Map with precise boundaries depicting each Election District. Where is each residence in our small City located in each Election District?  Many of us, we are all old people and maybe we are just dumb, but we cannot answer that question from the information we have received from you to date. As involved and informed as I am, I didn’t know you drew the boundary between Districts B and D down the middle of Pacific Village  Drive and which District Council Member Lee is allocated to? Come on!  I want to know who my fellow District B neighbors are and today I can’t tell and it is very frustrating. It should not be this difficult to be civically involved.

Thank you,


Date: March 5, 2022 at 11:14:13 PST

Today I am upset and so I should stop but it is  windy out and so I have nothing better to do. Your worst nightmare is you persist with this current approach and Wade  and Roy are in separate Districts and we will have an election for a seat in Districts B, C and E.  I may throw my hat in the ring for District B. I expect Roy would win. I know I have my skeletons and I have many haters who will love the opportunity to disparage me in Public because I was not a perfect person, but do not bet the house against me. I would never run against the Mayor but if you are going to do this to us, here I come.


March 2, 2022 @ 08:01 am
Topic: Map A2
By: Gail Marshall


The purpose of this email correspondence is to request either the Mayor or two other Council Members bring back the redistricting maps at the next Carpinteria Council meeting for reconsideration.

The definition of gerrymandering is “to achieve a result by manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency”.

To speak to Roy saying the map “did not look gerrymandered to him”, I will just say that you would have to be blind not to notice the lines are drawn to assure both you and Wade do not lose your seat on the Council.

To Wade, I guess I should not be surprised but I am. I gave you more credit than to be this blatant. We do not always agree on issues but I thought you were a fair minded person. This is not a fair-minded outcome.

To Gregg, is this what you want to be your legacy? I see Carpinteria as different.
I don’t see the City of Carpinteria pulling a move like this. Ensuring that two of your friends on the Council have an electoral district moving forward even though the lines are ridiculously obvious. Yes, it will withstand a lawsuit – sure. But your reputation will not withstand the scrutiny that comes out of this. Your support of Map A-2 says that Carpinteria is in fact not different than any other blatantly political entity. Too bad!

Interesting that no one tried to make sure both Gregg and Al remained in viable districts. No, I don’t want to see that map.

If the Council majority is truly looking at the best interests of Carpinteria you will
bring this back to Council for another look at all 4 remaining maps. This districting process is no one’s preference for such a small city. But what is done now will stand for another 10 years until the next decennial count. And at that time, what kind of precedent will have been set?

Gail Marshall

March 2, 2022 @ 08:07 am
Topic: Map A2
By: Al Clark

Hi Dave – I would like to have the district map selection process brought back to the March 14 meeting so as to entertain a wider selection maps so as to avoid the appearance of gerrymandering   Many thanks and Best regards, Al

March 2, 2022 @ 11:02 am
Topic: Map A2
By: Dave Durflinger

Hi Al, We are researching and will get back to the Council on whether or not Gail Marshall’s request can be entertained at this juncture and, if so, what the procedure is.


March 3, 2022 @ 02:33 pm
Topic: Map A2
By: Russell Ruiz

Roy, you got caught. I am very disappointed because as you know I like and respect you and we have too few young people committed to Public Service and I know you made this mistake because you received bad advice and wanted to promote your opportunity to continue to serve our Community. You can ruin your reputation for the coming years here or you can try to rectify the mistake you have made. We all make mistakes I know that better than most. I am an old man trying to give a young man who I respect,  some sage advice. I know today that is not well respected but human history tells us we should often listen to our elders. This is not going away and I will be surprised if  it is not prominently publicized over the next month and made a big political issue here in Carp. Be prepared.



March 4, 2022 @ 02:29 pm
Topic: Map A2
By: Brad Stein

Yes Gail, it didn’t escape my attention nor a lot of other folks in the community. I hold Carpinteria to a much higher standard than the rest of the country.  We’re better than this. That’s why I was opposed this redistricting in the first place, to keep self-serving politics out of our community. Thanks, for calling it out, Brad.

March 2, 2022 @ 10:52 am
Topic: District mapping
By: Fred Shaw


Mayor and Councilmembers,

While overall I am in support of Map A2 I have a couple of concerns. First I would like to know what “tweaks” would be made to this map. I know both Vice Mayor Clark and Councilmember Alarcon brought this up. Also it appears that at the eastern edge of Section B there is a split between the two sides of a street in the Pacific Village area. The northern side is in Section B and the southern side is in Section D. I have seen this done between City/County borders and it is generally not a good idea. Across the street neighbors definitely have a commonality of interest. I don’t think this occurs anywhere else in Map A2. Perhaps Julia could speak to that. In any event I thank you all for your hard work on this. I know you will do your best as you arrive at a final District Map.


February 28, 2022 @ 08:29 pm
Topic: District Elections/ Council Agenda February 28, 2022/ Agenda Item #15
By: Russell Ruiz


I give up. I tried to help but I am getting used to being ignored in my hometown. I seem to be perceived by some as a newcomer here but I want to remind you that I am an 8th generation South Coast local. My Dad Ernie Ruiz was good friends with “Mayor” Ernie Wullbrandt before the City was established and I am good friends with his son and fellow 8th generation South Coast local Chip Wullbrandt. I first lived in Carpinteria in 1974 when I was attending UCSB. I believe that was longer ago than any Council Member except Gregg Carty whose family moved here to take a new job. when Gregg was a child.

That was a very disappointing hearing. I have told you repeatedly that I am not a District Election advocate so who knows what the advocates will do now that you have ignored them as well. I know because I have dealt with attorneys much more experienced in this area of Law than our current City Attorney and our young Consultant, I was not impressed with the legal guidance you received tonight. I did that job in an equally challenging field of local Water for 30 years. I have to believe Peter Brown would have taken a different approach. I advised certain Council Members previously that you received incorrect”legal” advice from our Consultant who is not supposed to offer legal advice, on the question of considering ethnic demography in this process. Our Consultant stated that you never gave them that direction so they did not consider it. When did you receive the Staff Report that covered that issue and were asked to vote on it? It did not happen and it is a concept I have never heard before in the 8 years that I have been following this area of the Law.

As you know on something this important it is terrible for our City that the vote was 3-2. The two most knowledgeable Council Members after two years of education and effort, were ignored. At least I have company in that regard. Whether you like it or not we will in fact have a new Council in the coming years. Two Council Members currently live in District E and two of you live in District D. Only two of you can get re-elected. Hopefully I will have a better reception from that new Council.

I hope you don’t face litigation over this but I would not guarantee it.

Good luck.

Russell Ruiz

February 28, 2022 @ 04:51 pm
Topic: District map question for Vallecito district
By: Henry Newton


Dear Olivia,
I cannot attend the city council meeting tonight, so I would be grateful if you would please tell me if:

  1. Will residents be able to vote on the draft district maps, or is it a decision taken by council?
  2. Were you able to register my support for the draft map that includes Star Pine Rd, and Vallecito on both the mountain side and ocean sides of freeway? This because Star Pine and Vallecito include buildings from the 20’s-40’s designed by the same architects;
  3. Were you able to determine if a recent historic resources report exists for Carpinteria? If not perhaps I could help you with contacts.

Many thanks, with best wishes,
Henry Newton

Dear Mr. Newton.

This communication will be posted on the district election website.

To answer your questions,

  1. The City Council will be the body deciding on the final district election plans.
  2. Your previous communication was posted on the district election website which is used by City Council and members of the public to collect public feedback.
  3. I was unable to determine if a recent historic resources report exists for Carpinteria. I will reach out to a couple of staff to see if they may know about background on this.


Olivia Uribe Mutal
City of Carpinteria Program Manager
Emergency Services, Volunteers & Outreach

February 28, 2022 @ 03:45 pm
Topic: District Elections/ Council Agenda February 28, 2022/ Agenda Item #15
By: Lanny Ebenstein, Ph.D.


Dear Mayor and Members of the Council,

This letter is in support of Russell Ruiz’s recent emails to you on districting in the City of Carpinteria.

The City had a process of a Council subcommittee of two members who met for a number of months on these issues. Why has the map developed by the Council subcommittee essentially been discarded in the selection process?

It would be very unfortunate if the City of Carpinteria were to select a districting map on the basis of a 3-2 vote, with the members of the Council who are most knowledgeable of districting opposed to the final map.

I attach the report that the City of Carpinteria received with the notice of violation of California Voting Rights Act in 2017, as there has been turnover on the Council since that time and all members of the Council may not be familiar with this material.

Please reconsider your process and select a map that will meet the requirements of the California Voting Rights Act. This need not occur at your meeting this evening.

Thank you for your consideration.

Lanny Ebenstein, Ph.D.

February 26, 2022 @ 09:06 pm
Topic: District Elections/ Council Agenda February 28, 2022/ Agenda Item #15
By: Russell Ruiz


I said most of what I had to say in my previous Comment. I was considering reading the following as Public Comment live at the meeting Monday night. As that is not my favorite forum and in my professional experience, not the most effective, I decided instead to say this here. My prior Comments are what you would read in a litigation proceeding arguing the Law and the facts for why I believe that Census block West of Casitas Pass that in Plan A2 is in District D, should instead be in District B. I stand by those points.

Here I want to address the practical reality of this decision before you. I expect no one participating in this forum would argue with me that the Mayor will be re-elected no matter where we place his neighborhood. I know the consultant has advised you that you are not supposed to consider the residences of current Council Members when drawing District Maps. I can tell you from personal practical experience, everyone does it and whether you want to admit it or not, I know you all have. That is normal human nature.

My point here is that if the Mayor’s neighborhood is placed in District B where it belongs he will continue to represent our City for as long as he is willing to serve and I will be able to vote for him again, and we will have a new Council Member out of District D. If the Mayor’s neighborhood is placed in District D where Plan A2 currently has it, he will be re-elected and we will not have a new Council Member representing District D, our highest percentage Latino population District.

That is the decision before you as a realistic, practical, political matter, for the foreseeable future of our City.

Thank you,

Russell Ruiz

February 24, 2022 @ 02:23 pm
Topic: Council Agenda February 14, 2022, Agenda Item/Public Comment
By: Russell Ruiz


Honorable Members of the Council:

I support the Clark Map #79756. It cleans up the messy parts of Plan A2 which I will assume as we start here, is the Council majority preferred Map.

I find the Staff Report selection of Maps for consideration surprising and troubling. The Clark Map didn’t even make the cut for consideration? Who made that decision? As your Council rejected Plan A at the last hearing and you now have before you A2 in its place, it appears to me that A2 and D are the same Map? If that is correct and A has been effectively replaced by A2, what you are asked to consider is only A2, B and C? Plan B is my Map that saw no support at your last hearing besides Council Member Alarcon and so I will not waste our time trying to garner majority support for it. I learned early in my career how to count to 3. I hope as I discuss the problems with A2 here, which I expected to be the Staff preferred Map as I prepared this Memo, you will see the significant problems with Plan C that is even worse than A2 in proposing to mix the low income, highly Latino neighborhood above the freeway and East of Casitas Pass, with the lily White Beach neighborhood of Concha Loma. I can assure you that Plan C is a guarantee to invite litigation, as I discuss here related to Plan A2 and for the same reasons.

I will focus my discussion here on a choice between A2 and the Clark Map #79756.

There is no appropriate justification for the jig saw internal boundaries on the West sides of Plan A2 Districts B and D, other than they are census blocks. We know that census blocks are not determinative for the purpose of drawing District Election Maps that comply with the California Voting Rights Act (“CVRA”) and at a City the size of ours, they cannot be. I hope you will give some deference to the Committee Members who put in a substantial amount of work on this matter, over a significant period of time, more than 2 years. This census block issue was discussed at length at Committee meetings and we know it is not determinative for the purpose of drawing appropriate District Election Maps. I either watched or attended each of our Committee meetings. It makes the Consultant’s job easier if you use census blocks on DistrictR, but making the Consultant’s job easier is not our goal here. I want to thank the Committee Members for all their work on this.

I think it would be helpful for you to take a look at the City of Goleta Council favored Map. As you know I have at this point substantial experience with the District Election process locally. In addition to participating in and observing several local governments go through the process over the past 8 years, over this past year I have been closely following the City of Goleta process, which is also preparing for the November 2022 election. When I was working I always followed what other jurisdictions were doing on the same process that my clients were going through. Goleta’s Council proposed Map has no internal jigsaw boundaries between Districts like Plan A2. They have census blocks in Goleta just like we do but no jig saw internal boundaries on their proposed Map. I am not accusing anyone of anything because we have not received any explanation for that odd shaped boundary, nor why that census block was placed in the East District D instead of where it belongs and would make sense in District B. That census block West of Casitas Pass appears to encompass the residences of two of our Council Members? If that is a coincidence it is quite a coincidence?

It is difficult to see the exact detail where some of these proposed boundaries are supposed to be. I know I am getting old but I do not need reading glasses and I cannot see, for example, where the West boundary of Plan C District E is.

As to Plan A2 I will ask the question: What does the high end neighborhoods at Hales Lane and Cameo Rd. and the rest of that jig saw shaped area west of Casitas Pass over to Linden, have in common (Community of Interest) with the affordable condos and moblehomes, with a high Latino population, that otherwise comprise District D, East of Casitas Pass? All of those properties West of Casitas Pass are single family homes worth well over $1,000,000.00, many of them with swimming pools. Except for the community pool at the mobliehome parks we do not see many swimming pools in the residential neighborhood East of Casitas Pass, nor many single family homes. Residential property values are an appropriate consideration in determining Communities of Interest for this purpose of drawing appropriate District Election Maps. I expect the homes in that proposed District D area West of Casitas Pass, are double or even triple the value of the condos and mobilehomes in District D East of Casitas Pass. On the other hand that census block West of Casitas Pass has everything in common with the Clark Map Central District, and/or District B in Plan A2 and that is where those neighborhoods belong.

In addition to the other points I make here, playing around with DistrictR again I see that census block West of Casitas Pass is only 27% Latino while the rest of that East District D is 55% Latino. That should be determinative here and I expect the Proponents who are responsible for initiating this process, and are parties to the Settlement Agreement with the City, and their attorney would concur. I expect we will learn that shortly if you select Plan A2. Their original allegation was racially polarized voting and this kind of issue was their target. They want the two majority Latino Districts, the West end District A and the East end District D to be able to elect candidates of their choice without having their vote “diluted” by majority “White” neighborhood voters. That is the whole concept behind Communities of Interest and the intended Legislative purpose of the CVRA by those responsible for its enactment. Whether you like the Law or not, it is the Law and that is why we are here. After all this time and effort, I hope you will not do something that would cause the Proponents to file a lawsuit that I know our City Attorney would advise you we cannot win, just as they did when this all started 4 1/2 years ago.

If the Council is going to pick Plan A2, please explain why it is superior in your view, to the Clark Map #79756. At the last hearing 3 of you stated you “like” Plan A but there was no explanation why. Why do you “like” Plan A2 over Plan B or the Clark Map? Without that context the Public has no idea what you are thinking or why, and if we might want to Comment. The whole purpose of this drawn out process over many months, mandatory Noticing and at least four hearings is so the Public can be informed what you are thinking and why, and we can Comment accordingly. Up to this point we have received nothing concrete from your Council or Staff. Council Member Clark took the time at the last hearing to explain some of his thinking that went into his Map. Is the Consultant and our City Attorney going to take the time to explain in detail at this hearing why they are proposing Plan A2? It is going to be difficult for them to run away from that recommendation considering the prominence it received in the full page adds in Coastal View the last two weeks, and the limited alternatives provided in this Staff Report. The Public needs that explanation. We will live with this Map for at least the next 10 years and at our City, I expect it may never significantly change so let’s make sure we get this right.

I will again encourage you to start the discussion about the Order of Elections (some jurisdictions use the term “Sequence of Elections”). It is one of the most important steps in the process. You have not discussed it at all nor received a Staff Report on the issue at a Council meeting. It should not be put off for last minute consideration at the last hearing in March. Scheduling it that way was a mistake in my view and I have been through this exercise before. The Carpinteria School District and the City of Goleta have already indicated their Order of Elections preference so the Public has an opportunity to Comment. Again the Public needs to hear from you now so we know if we want to Comment for the final hearing when you will make this important decision. As I stated last month, assuming for this discussion you approve the Clark Map, which I hope is where we land, I strongly encourage you to place on the ballot Districts C, D and E. If you do so, next year all 5 Districts will be represented by a resident Council Member and that should be an important consideration for you. It would also avoid a potentially messy situation in 2024.

To conclude I support the Clark Map as a reasonable compromise of the competing proposals. I can almost assure you that selecting Plan A2 or C will result in litigation from the Proponents, litigation that our City Attorney will advise you we cannot win. No Public Agency in the State of California has ever prevailed in a District Election lawsuit and I can assure you we will not be the first and it could cost us a million dollars to find out. If the majority is going to go with Plan A2 I would be very interested to hear what the issue is that provokes you to make that decision and risk the consequences, when the Clark Map is very similar except for the fatal flaw in A2 District D that I have identified here.

Thank you,

Respectfully submitted,

Russell Ruiz

February 13, 2022 @ 12:52 pm
Topic: Council Agenda February 14, 2022, Agenda Item/Public Comment
By: Russell Ruiz


Honorable Members of the Council:

I do this only because I believe it is an important step in our very important District Elections process and I know that I am often ignored here. As you know I made a career being an advocate for clients who did not want to be ignored by local Public decision makers. Your eComment feature on the Agenda does not allow for more than one Comment nor to amend a Comment already made so this is my effort at persistence and to not be ignored on this important issue. I am not being paid for this, I care about the future of our City where, God willing, I will live for the rest of my Life and where I am raising our only child. I have been through this exercise before, unlike any of you. I have also watched several local jurisdictions go through the process and this year I have been closely watching the Carpinteria School District and the City of Goleta.

As you know my current issue is the Order of Elections (in some jurisdictions referred to as the “Sequence of Elections”). As I understand it the current proposed schedule has you not addressing this issue until the last hearing in March. I am advocating that instead, you both indicate formally your preferred District Map as required by law at your hearing on February 28, and at that same hearing indicate your proposed Order of Elections. Both the Carpinteria School District and the City of Goleta have already identified their preferred District Map and proposed Order of Elections.

My specific request is as follows: The Agenda specifically identify the fact that after deliberations, the Council will formally identify its preferred District Map. After that action the Agenda and the presentation at the hearing specifically address the Order of Elections and after deliberations, the Council identify its preferred Order of Elections. Thereafter, both those actions will be published for Public consideration before the the final hearing in March.

If Staff is not receptive to this recommendation I ask that a Council Member take the initiative, on the record at this meeting on the 14th, to ask Staff why they are taking the approach they are, on this important issue.

Thank you,

Russell Ruiz

February 9, 2022 @ 08:59 am
Topic: District map question
By: Henry Travers Newton


Dear Olivia,

Thank you for your email and the link to the Draw Carpinteria site. As my wife and I each own a home on Star Pine Road, please tell me how I can voice support for Draft Plan B District 5. I had drawn a similar overlay but did not complete it in time to submit by the deadline.

Can you please tell me if Carpinteria has completed a recent historic resources report, whereby sites of historic merit are identified? My background is in historic preservation, and I asked this question of Judy Triem, who has made historic resoures (sic) reports for Ventura County for many years, and she thinks that Carpinteria has NOT had an historic structure survey in recent years.

I ask this because there are numerous homes on Star Pine and Vallecito that can be linked to the same architects and builders in the 1920-40s. My home on Star Pine was designed by the same architects (Winsor Soule and John Muphy) who built Carpinteria Community Church on Vallecito 1938-42. So I would suggest that Star Pine and Vallecito, although divided by the freeway, share history.

I disagree with the premise that 101 defines Carpinteria. I conveyed this thought to Vice Mayor Al Clark, but he disagrees, writing to me that “the freeway broke the chain of the Vallecito District.” That may be, but 101 did not destroy the shared history of many the surviving homes (and church) in the Vallecito District.

That is why I hope Draft Plan B for District 5 will be adopted, so the history of the Vallecito District will be represented and preserved.

Please tell me if I can help. Best wishes,

Henry Travers Newton
[Address redacted]

January 20, 2022 @ 05:43 pm
Topic: District Elections/Council Agenda January 24, 2022/Agenda Item #11
By: Russell Ruiz


01-24-22 Public Comment

January 4, 2022 @ 10:38 am
Topic: City Council Districting
By: Nadine Hug Martins

Dear City Manager and Council Members,

Thank you for sending the information to draw district boundaries. I have a few questions I’m hoping you can answer:

  1. What is the source of the population numbers depicted on the “Community Mapping Tool” and how can their accuracy be evaluated? Looking at the neighborhoods north of Viola fields, 1900 people seems to be an underestimate of the actual population?
  2. Why are large parts of geographic Carpinteria not part of the City of Carpinteria, namely much of Carpinteria Valley and Foothills between Santa Claus Lane to Rincon, also known as “unincorporated areas”?
  3. What percentage of property taxes paid by those properties mentioned above go to the City of Carpinteria?
  4. Are there any safeguards that would prevent these maps from gerrymandering?

I look forward to hearing from you

November 29, 2021 @ 9:36 pm
Topic: Question
By: Jane Craven

How do you get the districts no greater than fifty more than the smallest district??

This mapping tool deals in hundreds only..

Thank you

Hi Jane –

That’s an excellent point. I believe there can be a difference of size in each district, it doesn’t have to be exact, but the discrepancy from the 2650 can’t be more than 10%.

I’m also double checking with the consultant in case the answer is different.

Thanks for participating in this process.


Olivia Uribe Mutal
City of Carpinteria Program Manager
Emergency Services, Volunteers & Outreach

November 28, 2021 @ 9:22 pm
Topic: Maps sent to non-city residents
By: Mike Wondolowski

I received the “Carpinteria City Council Districting” information via US Mail at my home address (STREET ADDRESS REDACTED — see attached photo). This address is outside city limits. I am guessing the reason I received this mailing may be related to boundaries for US Mail Standard Postage mailings not aligning with the city limit.

Regardless, I feel it is inappropriate and confusing for non-city residents to receive this mailing. Additional steps should have been taken to mail only to city residents (even if that would have required mailings to certain addresses be sent via first-class mail).

The issue is that this mailing is likely to cause confusion and potential disenfranchisement of recipients who think maybe they actually are in the city, but later find out they are not allowed to vote in city elections since they are indeed outside the city limit.

I strongly urge the city to follow up with clarification on this issue through its public relations using the Coastal View News and social media.

November 12, 2021 @ 4:01 pm
Topic: New Census Maps
By: Russell Ruiz

In the last week both the City of Goleta and the County of Santa Barbara have announced that any maps submitted by the Public before the Census numbers were updated, will not be considered. If a Member of the Public submitted a map before that happened, and I do not know when that occurred here, they have to submit a new map or their input will not be considered. Considering the less than underwhelming Public response here so far, we need to address this if we are going to follow the same policy. You need to inform the Public immediately and before the December hearing so anyone who is interested enough to have already participated, will not be deprived of their input. Please address
Thank you

November 9, 2021 @ 03:20 pm
Topic: Santa Barbara School District to Move to Trustee-Area Election Board Before November 2022
By: Russell Ruiz


October 1, 2021 @ 4:26 pm
Topic: Horrible Mapping Tool
By: Frank Gonzalez

I work with tech and tech applications for a living. This tools UI is horrible and not intuitive. Second imagine how many people who are not tech fluid or even have a device. Curious on how much of the community in providing input. Carpinteria needs to get back to square one (on boots.). Hand out maps door to door and coordinate a pickup date or drop off location. Is this tool even available in other languages?

September 27, 2021 @ 9:59 am
Topic: Process question on the maps
By: Russell Ruiz

Process question on the maps. What is the process from here until January on collecting and then winnowing maps? Will the Committee make a map recommendation? I think you should. What is the expectation about maps at the first formal Council hearing in January? How many maps would you expect to be before Council? Anything else about the map selection process?

September 27, 2021 @ 9:55 am
Topic: Ad Hoc District Elections Committee
By: Russell Ruiz

I saw the Facebook post about the League of Cities meeting that Natalia and Wade attended on Celebrate Carpinteria. In my current experience with local Carpinteria social media, Celebrate Carpinteria and Carpinteria Swap seem very popular and active. Maybe we ask John Wullbrandt to let us post something significant on his page about District Elections and then direct people to a new FB page just for District Elections and have Lea Boyd do that professionally. I also think we need to continue to spend money with the Coastal View.

September 26, 2021 @ 8:00 am
Topic: District Elections/Comments for the next Committee meeting
By: Russell Ruiz

I attended the Monday 9/20 Workshop and the one on Wednesday. They were well done, thank you. After the Monday Workshop I have played around with DistrictR and the last map I posted is dated 9/26 with my name on it. That is as close as DistrictR would let me get to my hand drawn map. I submitted my hand drawn map at the Wednesday Workshop. I am still not clear what the Consultant will do with the hand drawn maps. I hope we get the same info we get from DistrictR on population and % Latino population. As you will see my DistrictR map and my hand drawn map are very similar. I believe there are only 3 places that I could not draw my boundaries where I wanted them: on the East end of town above the freeway around all the mobilehome parks, it would not let me draw that line where I wanted it; at the corner of Linden and Foothill I placed the Meadow View neighborhood and the high school which apparently has no residents, in the District on the East side of Linden, DistrictR would not let me do that; and on the West end above the freeway by Casa de Las Flores, I could not draw the line where I wanted it.

On my DistrictR map I got pretty close on equalizing populations and I therefor know my hand drawn map needs a lot of tweaking once I get population numbers. You can see in my DistrictR map I had to cross the freeway on the West end and on the area around Linden and Carpinteria Ave. to equalize populations. With my background on the law and my knowledge of our community, I would be willing to argue that my hand drawn map best depicts our City under the guidance and intent of the CVRA. I have to equalize populations but I know I have the “neighborhoods of interest” right. I also have high Latino populations in what I refer to as the West District and the East District.

For reference I call the beachfront District, Beach; the El Carro tract East of Linden the Casitas District; and the District West of Linden, El Carro.

At the last meeting Al asked if we could delete maps that we posted that we do not like. We have not received an answer and I still see Al’s first map that he wanted deleted. I have posted a total of 9 maps and I would like all deleted except for the last one with my name on it. I expect the maps posted without explanation will confuse people who have not followed this as to what those are.

I hope in the Staff Report before the meeting we receive the tally of total Public participants at each of the Workshops. Public Outreach should be a significant issue discussed on the Agenda. I have some ideas on that I would like to share.

These Comments are to the website. I have raised this several times, we need to eliminate the term “Redistricting” from all our material as it just confuses people who are not familiar with local Public Agency matters. We have the County re-districting going on now that is a real big deal locally politically and it is getting a lot of media attention. The SB County Cities that have already implemented District elections are going through their re-districting efforts. We need to clearly distinguish what we are doing from those efforts and the start is to stop using the term “Re-districting” in all of our material. It appears that our Consulatant’s business name may be one of the problems. Look at the website under the About heading. Just edit out the term redistricting everywhere it is found.

For the hand drawn maps, the print at the Workshop was an improvement over printing the map from the website which is impossible to use. On the print available at the Workshop the scale is good but the font on the street names still needs to be much bigger. I fortunately do not need reading glasses but to read the street names on the map I have to use a magnifying glass. Most people won’t bother and will get frustrated and I wonder if that isn’t our Consultant’s goal. They want to move us to use DistrictR which makes their job a lot easier. I think we who live here and are paying for all this should be able to draw our maps as we think they should be.

I am in Communication with the spokesperson for the Prospective Plaintiffs (not Attorney Goodman, their Attorney of record, who will not be involved again unless there is litigation, which we of course hope to avoid). I have informed him of where we are now and what my issues of concern are. They will formally participate before the first Council hearing in January. I expect you will be interested to hear what they have to say about where we are and where we are going . They started this thing.

It will of course be interesting to watch how the District mapping goes but today I believe the only real controversy will be the Order of Elections in ’22, with 3 seats available. I know what my opinion will be based on guidance from the CVRA but we shall see what the Council thinks. I expect a humdinger of a first Council hearing in January when everyone really starts to understand the ramifications of this for current Council Members. Won’t surprise me if you get questions like, “Isn’t there something we can do to manipulate this to give current Council Members a shot at getting re-elected?” I hope it will be someone’s job to say no. After 25 years of doing it I know the hardest job for a Public Agency Counsel or Staff is to say no to your Elected Officials on something as important as this.

I will see you Wednesday.

Russell Ruiz

September 25, 2021 @ 5:42 pm
Topic: “Districting 101” presentation
By: Mike Wondolowski

In the Sept 20 workshop, in response to a question I asked, it was stated that the “Districting 101” presentation given to the City Council would be posted on the District Elections web page. I do not see it there. Will it be posted? Or what date was the City Council meeting when it was presented so the public can view that presentation?

Comment: September 27, 2021 @ 1:58 pm

Mike –

Attached are the presentations that have been given to the City Council regarding District Elections. These will be added to what is on the current District Elections website. (under third tab titled “Presentations”)

All the best,

Olivia Uribe Mutal
City of Carpinteria Program Manager
Emergency Services, Volunteers & Outreach

Comment: October 6, 2021

This is the third time since Sept 20 that I am contacting the city through the website or email asking for follow-up on the promise made in the Sept 20 redistricting workshop. I hope someone can get back to me.


Comment: October 7, 2021 @ 9:22 am

Mr. Wondolowski

This is a forward of a reply sent to you on Monday, September 27, 2021 1:58 PM to the email address used for your public comment including the attachments that were sent.

This email is also on the public website:

<forwarding attachment>

Olivia Uribe Mutal
City of Carpinteria Program Manager
Emergency Services, Volunteers & Outreach

September 21, 2021 @ 8:05 am
Topic: District Mapping
By: Russell Ruiz

I submitted another map dated today, 9/21. It is not what I will draw by hand but it is pretty close. My high population now is 3101 and my low is 2446. I will submit a hand drawn map probably at tomorrow’s meeting. I still am not clear on what the Consultant is going to do with hand drawn maps but I guess we will learn soon. My new map and Al’s are very similar.

September 20, 2021 @ 7:31 pm
Topic: Monday District Elections meeting
By: Russell Ruiz

One more. I mentioned that unlike all other Zoom meetings I have participated in, we could not see who else was participating. How many other Public participants did we have at this meeting besides Mike Wondowlowski and I?

Thank you,
Russell Ruiz

Comment: September 20, 2021 @ 9:31 pm

That was a good presentation. Are the next two just going to be a repeat, which is fine? I am just curious. If so at Wednesdays meeting I will just show up and submit my hand drawn map and I will look forward to what that looks like after our Consultant has addressed it.

Thank you,
Russell Ruiz

Comment: September 20, 2021 @ 9:40 pm

One more thing, I made the bold statement that I believe the 5 maps I submitted will end up very close to what we end up with after all is said and done, but DistrictR would not let me refine it as I would like. If I am wrong about my maps being close to complying with the Law, I would like to know from our Consultant why? That is their job, if I am misunderstanding their interpretation of the Law they need to tell us why.

Thank you,
Russell Ruiz

Comment: September 20, 2021 @ 9:48 pm

Sorry one more. I raised the Hispanic/Latino/Latinix issue. I am old and it does not matter to me. I have to believe that Carpinteria is the only Public Agency in Santa Barbara County that is still using Hispanic. My Dad was a great WWII War hero and we always Identified as American Caucasians. So I don’t care about this issue but it does seem odd to me to use Hispanic in 2021.

Russell Ruiz

Comment: September 21, 2021 @ 8:51 am

Hi Mr. Ruiz –

Thank you for your participation. All the workshops will be the same presentation. The zoom recordings will be posted on the website so that the public can view the presentation and online interaction in its entirety, and who the attendees were.

All the best,

Olivia Uribe Mutal
City of Carpinteria Program Manager
Emergency Services, Volunteers & Outreach

September 16, 2021 @ 2:04 pm
Topic: District Elections
By: Russell Ruiz

As this form worked fine here is another one that is followup to my Comment about the Independent article and preserving for the current City Council their discretion where appropriate. When I was working we always had people claiming to know what they were talking about, state that the Board could only do this or that by Law. I felt it was one of my most important roles to preserve for my Elected Board Members and GM the fullest exercise of legal discretion allowed by Law. Here the only legally binding decisions that have been made are: we will have District Elections in November 2022; 3 seats will be up for Election; and we will have 5 Districts. Nothing else! The issue about Presidential vs. Gubenatorial elections is not legally binding and is just one of many issues the Council will consider as it makes these important historic decisions for our City that will most likely never be changed once made. I also am working on developing communication with the “Prospective Plaintiffs” (hereinafter “P.P.) and their attorney. I hate the planning around “Safe Harbors” because of the amorphous supposed 800 lb Gorilla in the room. We do not have any such Gorlilla in Carpinteria. We have two normal longtime Carpinteria residents represented by a Santa Barbara attorney who I have known for over 30 years. Let’s hear what they really have to say about some of these issues and what their plans snd strategies are and what is it that would actually motivate them to sue us?

September 15, 2021 @ 7:34 pm
Topic: District Elections
By: Russell Ruiz


“I just submitted Comments on the District Election website for the first time. I see they did not just pop up. Can you tell me the protocol for those Comments? I assume someone is assigned to review them? We can’t publish profanities or other inappropriate content. How does that go? I can communicate directly with the Committee Members and others that I care about if I want to and I want to know how the website Comments work, whether I want to use it again in the future.

Thank you,


From: Brian Barrett
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 8:44 AM

The public comment form submitted through the District Elections website gets forwarded to City staff. Also, the public comments sent to are received by City staff. Both public comments are reviewed by staff to ensure they are not spam and as you said do not have any profanities or inappropriate content, before being posted to the District Elections website for everyone to benefit from.

Brian C. Barrett
Acting City Clerk
City of Carpinteria

September 15, 2021 @ 7:27 pm
Topic: District Elections
By: Russell Ruiz


Just by way of Comment on the most recently posted map, in locations it is similar to mine but it is not even close on equalizing populations. My info states that each District should have about 2675 residents and no more than a 10% deviation from one District to another. This map is not even close.

September 15, 2021 @ 7:21 pm
Topic: District Elections
By: Russell Ruiz


There is a prominent article in the online Independent today on this. That is great! The more media coverage for this the better. The byline is basically the same as I have been advocating, “Starting in 2022, City Council Representatives will be Elected by District for the First Time in History”. That is the theme we need to get across repeatedly from now until November 2022. This is new and different and please pay attention! Ms. Uribe-Mutal is quoted as stating that the Districts with high Latino population will be scheduled in Presidential election years and the others in Gubernatorial election years. I think it is very important that Ms. Uribe-Mutal be absolutely certain of her statements to the media before she makes them and she should always consult with both our Consultant and our City Attorney before she makes such statements. That “policy” she states is not binding by law. I have also read in highly regarded legal treatises on the subject that with our current election situation with 3 Council seats up for election in 2022, we should have the 2 or 3 Districts with the highest Latino populations up for election at that first District Election. That is the whole purpose of this exercise, get Latinos elected as soon as possible. I am certain that amoung experts, that is the priority consideration, not the Presidential versus Gubernatorial election scenario. We must be very careful to preserve the current Council’s discretion on these issues and not use questionable legal input to constrain, in the Public’s eye, what the Council can and should do. These are serious legal issues that need to be closely vetted before they are disseminated to the Public. I think it would be best for our City’s purposes if only the City Manager and City Attorney, after discussion with the Consultant, be authorized to engage with the media on this subject.

September 13, 2021
Topic: District Elections
By: Russell Ruiz


I am not smart enough nor techie enough to figure out DistrictR on my own. What I did primarily for my own info on population, was draw 5 separate maps with one District in each. You will see them on the website, I numbered  them I thru 5. District 1 has 2775 population as the high and 5 only has 2241 as my low. I really can’t determine on my own how much impact DistrictR had to the map I would draw by hand. I am done for now and will wait for the next meeting where I will hope to attend in person and we can see what the Consultant can do with the hand drawn maps. I did notice a problem for me around the East end where all those mobile homes are, it wouldn’t let me draw the line where I wanted it. Hope to see you on the 20th. Any Comments on my maps are welcome.

September 9, 2021
Topic: District Elections
By: Gail Marshall


As you know I am very interested in district elections for the City.
I have attended each meeting with interest.
After the last meeting I contacted you about the confusion over drawing neighborhoods prior to drawing districts as I felt that process was too confusing.
Not sure where that process is at this moment.
I also noted the importance of understanding that census tracks are not a limiting factor when drawing district lines.
Yesterday I will admit to leaving the meeting after the initial presentation of the mapping tool (having had the same experience as Al) because the mapping program being promoted by the consultant is simply too confusing and actually advancing false information – that you just can’t break the census track and that is just the way it is. This is just wrong.
Carpinteria needs to have the ability to draw districts to our benefit. Once done we live with it for 10 years.
Carpinteria needs to be able to use a tool that allows broad ideas for districts not limited ones. If in the end there is fine tuning – so be it. But we need the opportunity to draw outside the box.
This is very concerning and frustrating.
I would like some feedback on where you feel this process can go within the current programing.


From: Olivia Uribe-Mutal

Hi Gail –

Thank you for your feedback. For compliance with the CVRA and for transparency purposes, it was recommended by the consultant at yesterday’s meeting that any communication received by the city regarding the district election process be posted on the website.

We have received two email communications from you that we will submit the website, and I just wanted to keep you informed.

With regard to your concerns, the Paper-only Placemat Maps that are on the website do not provide any pre-drawn neighborhoods, as we removed them after our August meeting discussion. At yesterday’s meeting, our consultants agreed to provide a memo within 2 weeks to address what census lines (whether that’s tracks  or blocks) we will need to abide by to draw district lines. The meeting recording will be posted on the website, and I would encourage reviewing it, as this item was addressed in detail by Chris Chaffee with Redistricting Partners.

Thanks again, for your involvement.

Olivia Uribe Mutal
City of Carpinteria Program Manager
Emergency Services, Volunteers & Outreach

September 9, 2021
Topic: District Elections
By: Russell Ruiz


If this email is received I assume Dave will determine how it should be addressed. I expect we will want the Consultant to take the first crack at it but I have also posed some legal questions and I do not know the protocol for this, whether the Consultant or our Counsel answers those legal questions. I will also note that I have no experience with Census legal issues and one of the reasons for this Memo is that I have never before heard of this issue of “Census blocks” taking precedence over the CVRA in determining where our Election Districts boundaries must be.

The issue was framed at our September 8 Elections Committee meeting where the website was unveiled including our introduction to the DistrictR mapping tool. Al Clark described his frustrating first experience with the mapping tool in that it would not let him draw the map he wanted. It was briefly explained to us that DistrictR is programmed to show “Census blocks” as determining where District boundaries must be. I know you are tired of hearing me talk about my experience but that is part of this issue, I have closely followed the District Election law and implementation since Santa Barbara was sued and implemented District Elections about 8 years ago. I have read the law, every reported California case on the subject, several treatises by California law schools and I have watched all the Santa Barbara County agencies that have implemented District elections since Santa Barbara did  years ago. That includes the Carpinteria Water District. Currently the CUSD, the Goleta Water District, the City of Goleta and others are also doing the same thing we are. Prior to our process, I had never before heard of this Census block issue. That does not mean our Consultant is not correct in advising us, as I currently understand it, that this is not mandatory, but provides a “Safe Harbor” against future challenges. The problem as I understand it is that DistrictR cannot be programmed to ignore the Census block issue. That is the problem that Al Clark was complaining about, it overrides what you want to do.  We can decide to ignore the Census block safe harbor and draw the boundaries where we think they should be but we could not use DistrictR.  I believe drawing our boundaries as we who live here think they should be, is paramount. I also do not believe the District Election proponents would sue us over this issue. Our goal is good faith implementation of the CVRA,  as is theirs,  and I doubt they have heard of this Census block issue either. Unlike other jurisdictions, we do not have expert Elections litigation attorneys looking over our shoulders. I am not afraid of litigation here. Also if I am wrong, we have a lot of time between the mandatory Notice of the proponents threatening us with litigation, and the time that we would actually incur costs of defending a lawsuit. If they threaten us (they won’t)  we can always change before they file and that would be the end of it.

I believe we first need to understand this issue. With all due respect, if Al Clark after all the work he has done on the Elections Committee and I do not understand the issue, I doubt anyone else in Carpinteria does.

In a preliminary explanation the Consultant identifies a US Supreme Court case on the issue. May I please have a citation to that case.

Are there any published treatises on this subject?

Any examples in reported cases of the consequences to a California Public agency that has ignored the Census block issue?

Any examples of California Public agencies that have followed the Census Block approach where that affected where they set  their boundaries,  and that is a matter of record?

I believe the Committee has asked for a Memo explaining the issue including the “Safe harbor” aspects.

I like to use extreme examples sometimes to make my point, here let us assume for discussion, all 5 Council Members and the Carpinteria Public agree where District boundaries should be based on your knowledge of our Community and primarily, demographic data as to where our predominantly Latino  neighborhoods and Communities of Interest are.  Our Consultant is telling us that regardless of that undisputed data that is otherwise,  under the CVRA.  supposed to determine these Election District boundaries, if those Districts do not comply with “Census blocks” the Census blocks prevail and we must split up traditional  Latino Communities of Interest as a result.

That concept is completely foreign to every other discussion of the CVRA I have ever heard where promoting the election of Latino residents and preserving their Communities of Interest is supposed to be the paramount guiding principle. Just ask the authors of the Legislation.

Thank you,

Russell Ruiz

September 9, 2021
Topic: District Elections
By: Al Clark


Is this a problem of “Districtr” or do all mapping tools do this?  I am personally not having a problem with this and can come up with a good map (albeit with weird shapes) where all districts are contiguous and with 2 districts where communities of interest have racial majority…but the general public will be quickly frustrated and not use districts


From: Dave Durflinger

My understanding from Olivia is that an outcome of your Committee meeting is that Redistricting Partners will be preparing a memo that addresses these questions. We’ll also be able to discuss if there is any constraint on how the DistrictR mapping tool is set up.

Also, just as a reminder, all questions and other communication of this sort we’ll be posting to the website so everyone can benefit from the responses.


Dave Durflinger
City Manager

September 8, 2021
Topic: District Elections Committee Today, 9/8/2021: Website Comments
By: Russell Ruiz


Brian I realize this is late but I just saw the website and I would appreciate it if  the Consultant, Staff and Committee Members receive this before or at the meeting. There is no urgency that they digest it today.

These are just my quick Comments as I just saw the website. I like the setup on our first page.

I like that you included all the Agenda material for the Committee meetings. You should do the same for Council meetings. Maybe with what is there for the Committee you don’t need past Council Agenda material but I would include everything the Council receives from here on out just like you have for the Committee.

Under “Process/Mapping Tools”, under District R link; it states in part …”residents charged with redrawing Supervisorial District Map…”  I have raised this concern before, any mention of County re-districting here is just going to be terribly confusing for People particularly because we are in fact going through a very politically charged County re-districting now. That will receive lots of local media coverage. The only mention of “Re-districting” here should be to make sure People are not confused and understand that we are not “re-districting” like the County. We are having City Council District Elections for the first time in history. We need to get People’s attention that something new and very different is happening in our City and it is separate from the County process. .

Under Map Your Community; click on the Public Gallery map and I see no definitions as to what Community 1 2 and 3 mean.

I have seen this in many candidate websites lately, have a good easy to use link to County Elections encouraging everyone to register and the deadline to register for the November 2022 Election.

A very short statement about the candidate process. In a very concise way, explain the candidate filing process. When does filing period start? When does it end? What are the basic requirements for a completed valid Candidate filing? When will you know what District you live in and when that election will occur.

That’s it for today.

Thank you,


September 7, 2021
Topic: Ad Hoc District Elections Committee
By: Russell Ruiz

Comment: I was not able to attend the last Committee meeting, I read the Minutes is it still correct that the website will go live today the 6th (I assume tomorrow the 7th)? I will be very interested in the content of the website and will likely have Comments once it is published. I realize this is politically incorrect but look at my last name and I get to say these things. I understand the effort to translate everything to Spanish but I really question the overall value of that, including the cost. I believe that having grown up on the South Coast and my participation in the Carpinteria Unified School District since our daughter started who is now in 9th grade at the High School, I know our Latino (politically correct rather than Hispanic?) community. I question how many Latinos we have in Carpinteria who are registered voters but cannot speak English? Our goal here is education of voters on a subject that the general population will have difficulty digesting at first; maximize the turnout of registered voters at the 2022 election; and promote as many qualified Candidates as possible. Do we really believe any of those Candidates are not going to be able to speak English? I would be very careful about the subject of the “order of elections”. Theoretically we are supposed to disregard where current Council Members live, draw the maps in due course, number and order the election and see where we land. Helping incumbents get re-elected is not supposed to be part of the deal.

August 26, 2021
Topic: Districts
By: Gail Marshall


Good morning aI have been turning districting process over in my mind and have a couple of concerns. I will qualify (or amplify) those concerns by saying this is not my first decennial districting effort so I have some experience with how these things go.

As I stated yesterday, this is a process that, because it only comes up every 10 years, will confuse and concern residents. Anything the City can do to eliminate that confusion should be give priority. It can also become very political so anything the City can do to eliminate opportunities for that should be a priority.

My first big concern are the neighborhood maps. While this may seem a good way to present the process to our community it is going to confuse. Seeing a map like the one shared yesterday or any neighborhood map in general will make residents feel their neighborhood will be their district. This could be very much not be the case. It would be better to just start at the beginning and let the map drawing begin without preconceived ideas. Please give this some thought.

My second concern is that I was left with the impression that census tracts can’t be split and it is my recollection that that is not the case at all unless you are splitting a community of interest like a latinex neighborhood.

I am sure the City’s consultant has years of experience walking agencies through this process and surely have their templates of how it should go. Well and good.
But I am sure they will not be alarmed if the City of Carpinteria has a path that may work better for us.

Thanks for listening.

August 24, 2021
Topic: Ad Hoc District Elections Committee
By: Russell Ruiz

Comment: In my professional career I tried to encourage better cooperation and coordination between our local Public agencies. In Water, just on the South Coast we have 4, used to be 5 (Goleta, SB, Montecito, Carpinteria and used to be Summerland) separate water utilities that do basically the exact same work, dealing with the same State and Federal agencies and they all use Consultants to do important work. It makes sense to consider consolidating those efforts but after the initial “good idea” it never goes anywhere because at the end of the day, everyone wants to preserve the authority to do it their own way. With that said I do not expect any significant coordination here but I believe it is important that we know about and observe other local agencies doing the same thing we are. This week the School District will formally launch their District Election effort. I had encouraged the School District to use the same consultant as the City but that went nowhere. The Carpinteria Water District has already gone through their District Election process and I do not believe their process helps us at the City. It will be interesting to watch and compare the City’s process and the School District’s as we have Consultants using sometimes different data to evaluate the same areas for the same purposes. Of course the School District is larger than the City but the District encompasses the entire City so it will be interesting to see how that comes out in those common areas.

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