Project Description
The Via Real Stormwater Project is part of the City’s 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Located on the northeastern side of Carpinteria along Via Real and Poplar Street, this flood control improvement project will mitigate historic flooding along Via Real and adjacent properties. This includes upgrading existing drainage facilities and installing green infrastructure to mitigate flood hazards and improve water quality while providing some groundwater recharge. The general scope of work includes installing a bioretention basin at the end of Poplar St, upgrading existing storm drains along Via Real and installing a new storm drain along Poplar, installing a series of bioswales along Via Real, and upgrading the existing sidewalk from asphalt to concrete.
This project is funded through a combination of federal, state, and local funding. The City was awarded two grants for the project, a federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant and an Urban Flood Protection Grant, administered by the California Natural Resource Agency.
Next Steps
For questions about this project, contact Erin Maker at, 805.880.3415

Via Real Project Map
Award – Via Real Stormwater Project Staff Report
Via Real Stormwater Project Presentation (June 8, 2022)*
*Information provided is subject to change
Coming soon!
Staff Contact
Erin Maker, Environmental Program Manager,, 805.880.3415