The three draft maps linked below were prepared by the City’s district elections consultant, Redistricting Partners, based on review and analysis of all maps submitted by members of the public to the City of Carpinteria. This includes maps submitted in person, via mail, email and on the DistrictR mapping software. All of the maps submitted are available for review on the City’s website here. The draft maps were prepared to reflect common themes of the public maps submitted and to comply with the requirements of the Voting Rights Act.
At the January 24, 2022 City Council meeting, the City Council will receive a presentation from Redistricting Partners reviewing the draft maps as well as the themes that helped to shape these maps from all the submissions. Councilmembers and the public will then provide feedback on any of the maps and themes presented. On February 21, 2022, a subsequent hearing will be held to consider updated maps that include the feedback from Councilmembers and the public. Maps presented at the February meeting may be adopted or feedback and direction for further changes may be provided.
The City Council is scheduled to approve the final Districts Map at its regular meeting of March 28, 2022.
Additional Files
The City of Carpinteria will transition from at-large elections to district elections by November of 2022. This process will require participation from the public to create election districts that are balanced in size and protect the interest of the communities within those districts.
To create these districts with public participation, the City will provide two tools: paper maps and an online map drawing tool called DistrictR which has been tailored for the City of Carpinteria. These tools will include official socio-economic data (including the official Citizen Voting Age Population data that are central to the analysis of compliance with the Federal Voting Rights Act).
Paper-only Placemat Maps
For those without internet access or who prefer paper. Placemats are available for download in Spanish and English and are also available at City Hall.