There is no shortage of programming for Carpinteria seniors this fall! The November calendar has just been released and is filled with events and activities designed to promote mental and physical fitness while providing opportunities to socialize and enjoy companionship. Highlights from the lecture series are listed below, and the full schedule of programs can be found at https://carpinteriaca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/November-Senior-Calendar-2.pdf.
Each of the following lectures is free and will be held on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. at Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave.
- Nov. 2: Medicare 101 is an educational presentation regarding Medicare and updates and changes in 2024. Join us for an informative workshop with Brian Ornelas, a retirement plan specialist at American Legacy Solutions.
- Nov. 9: Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County is a non-profit law firm that provides free legal services to Santa Barbara County residents. Have questions about debt collections, foreclosures, financial abuse or fraud? Come learn how Legal Aid can help.
- Nov. 16: Come and meet Wendi Dunn, our new Community Garden Coordinator. Learn about successful gardening in our unique climate, share gardening secrets and see all our community garden has to offer.
- Nov. 30: Jeanne West will speak on caregiving from a caregiver’s perspective. This includes tips on having necessary conversations, forming a care team, developing a care plan, and care for caregivers. West, RN, MHA is a senior care consultant and a board member of the Parkinson Association of Santa Barbara.