The City of Carpinteria was incorporated on September 28, 1965, as a general law city with an elected five-member City Council, under the council-manager system of local government. The City Council members are the community leaders and policy makers who establish a vision for the City of Carpinteria and who hire the City Manager to carry out policy and ensure that all resident are being equitably served. The City Council members are elected to four year, overlapping terms; elections are held every even numbered year. The Mayor and Vice Mayor are selected by their fellow Council members and customarily serve two-year terms.

Duties and Responsibilities of the City Council
As a legislative body, the City Council is responsible for the enactment of local laws (ordinances), the adoption of the annual City Budget and Capital Improvement Program, and the review and adoption of proposed policies, agreements, contracts, and other City business items. The City Council appoints the City Manager and City Attorney, as well as members of the various boards, commissions and committees.
Mayor’s Role
The Mayor is responsible for presiding over the City Council meetings; providing input on business matters for the Agenda, representing the City Council at various business, social and ceremonial events; and signing all City ordinances and resolutions. The Vice Mayor performs these duties in the absence of the Mayor.
Please be advised that communications directed to the City, its legislative bodies and their members (i.e. the City Council, Planning Commission), and City staff are public records, and are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Record Act unless exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
City Council Legislative Advocacy
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