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Applications now accepted for Ad Hoc Harbor Seal Advisory Committee

If you are interested in Carpinteria’s harbor seal population and developing recommendations for its future, you may be the right fit for the City of Carpinteria’s new Ad Hoc Harbor Seal Advisory Committee. At the Oct. 23 meeting, the Carpinteria City Council reformed the Committee, which will be composed of councilmembers Mónica Solórzano and Natalia Alarcon and five members of the public.

The Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council concerning developing an understanding of the local harbor seal population, including causes of recent trends in births and haul-out numbers, and advancing the recommendations from the 2023 Harbor Seal Rookery report to mitigate habitat degradation and incidents of harassment.

Anyone who is interested in serving on the reformed committee can fill out the City’s application at: The completed application can be scanned and emailed to, or mailed or dropped off at Carpinteria City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria, CA 93013. Once a sufficient number of applications are received, the City Council will consider making appointments to fill the five public members positions on the Committee.