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Surfliner Service Improvements Coming Oct. 25

The Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor Agency, which manages the Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner® service, will implement a major schedule adjustments for the Pacific Surfliner that will include further restoration of service across the corridor as well as sweeping changes to existing train schedules. The improvements will enhance the reliability and connectivity of trains that travel between San Diego and San Luis Obispo counties.

Pacific Surfliner trains have been operating on a reduced schedule since March 2020 due to a pandemic-related drop in travel demand. The upcoming schedule change builds on the partial service restoration that was implemented in June 2021, and also moves towards pulsed schedules, which evenly distribute trains to provide maximum service coverage.

Effective Oct. 25, the following changes will be made:

  • One additional round-trip will be added that travels the length of the corridor.
  • Most train departure and arrival times will shift to evenly space them out across the day for more consistent frequencies. Many train numbers will change.
  • The schedule will be consistent for both weekday and weekend travel.

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