Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday, Sept. 23 launches a full week of programming for Creek Week. Coastal Cleanup is a statewide event taking place from 9 am to noon at any of the following locations in the City of Carpinteria: Carpinteria State Beach, Jelly Bowl Beach, and Franklin Creek Park. Learn more about how to participate http://ExploreEcology.org/CCD.
Throughout the week of Sept. 23 to 30, Creek Week will continue with events focused on watershed protection in Goleta, Santa Barbara and Carpinteria. Events taking place in Carpinteria include Yoga on the Beach and at Linden Field, Santa Monica Trail Restoration Volunteer Day, tours of Carpinteria Salt Marsh, Carpinteria Bluffs Nature Preserve Sunset Tour. Additionally, the City of Carpinteria has materials that can be downloaded or picked up at City Hall to enjoy anytime. Find details about all the Creek Week programs https://sbcreekweek.com/.