The Santa Maria/Santa Barbara County Continuum of Care is recruiting volunteers to conduct interviews with individuals and families experiencing homelessness during the Point-In-Time Count on Wednesday, Jan. 25 between 5:30 and 8:30 a.m. Volunteers must register online at countyofsb.pointintime.info and have access to a smart phone.
All volunteers are required to attend a virtual training session. In this 1-hour session, you will learn more about the importance of the count, review canvassing best practices, explore the PIT survey tool, FAQs and more! To make this training as accessible as possible, the online trainings are at varied days and times between January 16 – 20. Only one training is required.
The PIT count is only possible with a community-wide effort by the incredible support of many volunteers and partners. Your help is important in capturing this crucial community data.