Local merchants in the Downtown “T” will be ready to welcome little “Trick-or-Treaters” on Friday, Oct. 28 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. as they celebrate the Safe Trick-or-Treating in the Downtown “T”. Members of the City’s HOST program will be handing out the orange pumpkin signs for participating businesses to display in the front window of their business. HOSTs will also give out candy at the Seal Fountain kiosk during the event.
After the Downtown “T” Trick-or-Treating event at 5 p.m., the Carpinteria Arts Center (855 Linden Avenue) will hold a costume contest co-hosted by Girls Inc. of Carpinteria, The Alcazar Theater, Carpinteria Children’s Project and Boys and Girls Club.
First introduced in 1997 to the Downtown “T” by Jane Sutton of Head to Toe Beauty Salon, the City’s Downtown-T Business Advisory Board and the Downtown Merchants have continued to sponsor the trick-or-treat event in Jane’s memory and in recognition of her contributions to the community and the downtown business district.