In the four years that have passed since the Carpinteria Community Garden opened, the 0.7-acre space on Fifth Street has grown into itself beautifully–with splashes of colorful blooms, buzzing bees, fluttering butterflies and a yearround harvest of organic fruits and veggies. To Wendy Robins’ delight, this is the City park space that has been entrusted to her care.
Robins, who was hired to be the garden coordinator late last spring, has over a decade of experience as a garden educator. The longtime Santa Barbara resident most recently worked fostering a love of gardening in young people with Explore Ecology.
She is thrilled with her new position and says that she has seen few community gardens that were designed as thoughtfully. The garden includes 104 separate plots, and membership priority is granted to Carpinteria residents that have limited or no outdoor space of their own for gardening.
Though community-building activities such as classes and volunteer days were put on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic, Wendy looks forward to getting these back on the garden calendar soon.
Wendy’s position is part-time, and she plans on being at the garden all day on Mondays and Wednesdays and half-day on Saturdays. So far, she’s enjoyed getting to know the garden members and making new discoveries in the garden daily.
Outside of the garden, Wendy fills her spare time with beach volleyball, knitting, crocheting, baking and spending time with her husband and three sons.
When it comes to her new position, Wendy most looks forward to getting her hands in the dirt. She credits former garden coordinator Alena Steen for creating a thriving garden and a positive culture among members that Wendy will continue to nurture.