The Carpinteria City Council will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, March 28 at 5:30 p.m. In accordance with State guidance, the City will provide both in-person and virtual attendance and participation options for the meeting.
Members of the public may attend the meeting at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave. or view the meeting live at www.carpinteria.ca.us, on Government Access Television Channel 21 or by logging into the Zoom webinar.
The following topics are highlights of the agenda. Additional details and numerous ways for the public to provide comments can be found at https://bit.ly/35aOwFs. Comments posted on social media will not be provided to council members.
- Proclamations honoring Mary Ota on her 103rd birthday and designating the month of April 2022 as “Carpinteria Beautiful Month” and as DMV/Donate Life Month.
- Annual member agency update presentation from Central Coast Community Energy.
- Appointment to the Tree Advisory Board.
- Approval to invite bids for the 2022 Pavement Maintenance Project.
- Establish an updated and revised flag display policy.
- Review of two draft City Council District Maps (A2 and A3) and selection of a final District Map.
- Approve the sequencing schedule for district elections concerning the five City Council districts.
- Consider appeals of the Planning Commission’s decision to accept and certify an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and grant approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit for the proposal to construct the 850-foot long portion of the approximately 2,800-foot long multi-use Rincon Trail project. The project location spans from the eastern terminus of Carpinteria Avenue in the City of Carpinteria to the western terminus of the Rincon Beach County Park parking lot, located in unincorporated Santa Barbara County, and involves City and Caltrans rights-of-way.
- Review the Mid-Year Budget Report and make related adjustments to appropriations.
- Respond to the 2021 Santa Barbara County Grand Jury report, “The Keys to Housing The Homeless, Two State Programs Offer Rooms and Homes.”