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Junior Lifeguard tryouts take place Saturdays

Would your child benefit from a summer filled with swimming, running and paddling in the sand, surf and sun? Our Carpinteria Junior Lifeguards program might be just the right fit! 

Our program runs from June 16 to Aug. 1 on weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We will hold tryouts for any new JGs (or former mini-JGs interested in participating in JGs) from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays between Jan. 25 and Feb. 22. 

Tryouts will be held at the Carpinteria Community Pool, 5305 Carpinteria Ave. Please learn more about the JG program or sign up for a tryout time at

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Downtown T Business Advisory Board Vacancy

We have a vacancy on our Downtown “T” Business Advisory Board (DTBAB) for a business owner in the Downtown T. Is this a good fit for you?

DTBAB advises on issues relating to the general promotion of business activities and maintenance issues within Carpinteria’s Downtown-T. The board makes recommendations to the City Council on the level of assessments and expenditure of revenues, and it provides an annual report.

Meetings of the DTBAB are held on the first Thursday of every month at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave.

The application is available at

An application is also available at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave.

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Heavy Rains Bring Risk of Flooding

A storm system is expected to bring 2-4 inches of rain to coastal Santa Barbara County with peak rainfall predicted to start at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 4 through about 10 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 5. The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch for this period of time for Santa Barbara County.

Carpinterians should prepare for heavy rains, winds and potential flooding. Free sand and bags are available by the Public Works Yard at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave. Residents are strongly encouraged to sign up for Santa Barbara County Alerts at and to take precautions described at

A High Surf Advisory is also in effect for Jan. 5 and 6 with very large waves expected to create hazard beach conditions. Large waves can suddenly sweep over previously dry areas. Swimming is very hazardous even for expert swimmers. With heavy rains, ocean water will have woody debris and elevated bacteriological loads.

To ensure that those without homes are sheltered during the storms, a Warming Center will be open on Wednesday and Thursday nights from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. at the Carpinteria Veteran’s Hall, 941 Walnut Ave.

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Members Sought for Harbor Seal Advisory Committee

The City recently formed an advisory committee for the purpose of better understanding of the local harbor seal population, including causes of recent trends in births and haul-out numbers, and to make recommendations to the City Council to mitigate habitat degradation and incidents of seal harassment. Community members who are interested in participating in the Harbor Seal Advisory Committee can apply by completing and submitting an application, which is available at For more information about the Harbor Seal Advisory Committee, contact Erin Maker at Learn more about the beach closure