Groundwater is a vital component of our local water supply portfolio, especially as naturally occurring water supplies are drying up due to drought, climate fluctuations and increased competition for all water resources in the state. Locally, the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin is designated as a “high priority Basin” by the California Department of Water Resources under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014.
As a result, the Carpinteria Groundwater Sustainability Agency was formed in 2020 to ensure long-term sustainable use through monitoring, planning, and oversight of the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin. The Agency is required to develop a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) by 2024 and begin implementation of the GSP thereafter. The Agency currently is operating on loans and cannot continue without establishing a revenue source to support ongoing GSA operations and administration. A rate study is underway to help develop a fair and equitable cost recovery fee for properties that sit atop the basin.
The public is invited to learn more and provide input before the CGSA Board of Directors considers a fee proposal at its public hearing on June 22. Two community meetings are planned in May and June as noted in the flyer.