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Surfliner Inn Project scheduled for Architectural Review on Dec. 12

The Surfiliner Inn project is scheduled for preliminary review by the City’s Architectural Review Board (ARB) on Thursday, Dec. 12. The ARB will review the project’s architectural and landscape design in conformance with the City’s development standards and design policies, and will provide feedback to the project applicant and Community Development Department staff. The ARB will also provide a recommendation and comments to the Planning Commission and City Council for their consideration of the project.

Story poles will be installed to represent the project’s general siting, massing and scale in compliance with the City’s Story Pole Guidelines in advance of the Dec. 12 ARB meeting. Due to the location of the project occupying a portion of City Parking Lot #3 (at the intersection of Fifth Street and Linden Avenue), the story pole installation will require partial closure of the parking lot beginning on Nov. 25.  Perimeter fencing will be installed surrounding the story pole installation to ensure the safety of the public. The story poles will be removed and the parking lot will reopen by Jan. 9, 2025.

Environmental review of the project will commence after feedback is provided by the ARB. A hearing date for consideration of the project by the Planning Commission will be determined after the environmental review has been completed, which is anticipated to take several months.

Public noticing for both the ARB meeting and the environmental review process will be forthcoming, and the public can track the progress of the Community Development Department’s review of the project application by visiting the City’s webpage at: