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Postponed agenda items to be heard Feb. 3

A special City Council meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 3 at 5:30 p.m. to consider several agenda items that were postponed from the Jan. 27 meeting agenda due to an internet outage. Members of the public may attend the meeting at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., or view the meeting live at, on Government Access Television Channel 21 or by logging into the Zoom webinar.

The following topics are highlights of the agenda. Additional details and numerous ways for the public to provide comments can be found at

  • Consideration of appointments to City Council Advisory Groups.
  • Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Fiscal Year that ended June 30, 2024.
  • Ad Hoc Harbor Seal Advisory Committee recommendations.
  • Discussion and Potential Action to grant consent to the County of Santa Barbara to establish the Santa Barbara County Wine Improvement District and include the City of Carpinteria in the Established Wine Improvement District.
  • An update on the City’s Live Entertainment Licensing program and Council direction to staff.