Harrison Industries will now accept residential food waste in paper bags as well as in plastic bags. All bags of food waste must still be closed and placed in residents’ yard waste carts for weekly curbside pickup. Harrison, which is Carpinteria’s trash hauler, and its partners at Agromin have approved the use of folded-shut paper bags in addition to the tied plastic bags that have been accepted since residential food waste recycling began on Jan. 3.
The move to include paper bags is a response to customers’ concerns about the use of non-Earth-friendly plastic bags in the area’s new food waste recycling program; the decision was buoyed by the early success of the program.
Food waste includes meat, bones, dairy, coffee grounds, shells, skins and peels as well as all produce, grains and other food products. Whether it’s in paper or plastic, all food waste must be bagged. Food waste should NOT be placed directly into yard waste carts, where it would contaminate the loose yard waste.