The Carpinteria City Council will hold its next regular meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 5:30 p.m. Members of the public may attend the meeting at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., or view the meeting live at https://carpinteriaca.gov/, on Government Access Television Channel 21 or by logging into the Zoom webinar.
The following topics are highlights of the agenda. Additional details and numerous ways for the public to provide comments can be found at https://bit.ly/3O0F4HG. Comments posted on social media will not be provided to council members.
First Amendment of the Freeway Maintenance Agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation for the Highway 101 Carpinteria to Santa Barbara Project-Phase 4A.
Consider canceling the regular City Council meeting for December 23, 2024.
Adoption of City Council Advisory Group Handbook, Appointment Process Policy, and dissolution of the Standing City Council Boards, Commissions and Committees Interview Committee.
Consider amending the Safety Element of the City of Carpinteria General Plan to incorporate the City’s adopted Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Consider acceptance of a $35,000 Grant from La Centra-Sumerlin Foundation for Building Appraisal and Consultant Services; and review and approval of Scope of Services for a Request for Proposal (RFP) to Solicit Consultant Services for a potential Community Center in Carpinteria.