With the launch of MTD Moves Ahead, Santa Barbara MTD has initiated a community process to create a Short Range Transit Plan that will guide bus service development, infrastructure investment and capital needs for MTD’s bus system over the next five years. To prioritize community needs and desires for bus service, MTD is seeking broad community input from everyone—people who ride the bus and those who don’t, employees, employers, students, people with disabilities, seniors, and civic leaders. If you live or work here, MTD wants to hear from you!
To kick off MTD Moves Ahead, a virtual listening session will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 20 from 5:30 to 7 p.m., where attendees will be asked to weigh in on what is most important to them in a bus system. Interested individuals can register for the listening session at https://bit.ly/3DQvmjP. Spanish/English interpretation will be provided. Additionally, an interactive website with project information and a short survey is available in English at sbmtd.gov/MTDMovesAhead and at sbmtd.gov/MTDAvanza in Spanish.