The Carpinteria City Council honored Phyllis Hansen on her 100th birthday at the council meeting on Feb. 27. Phyllis moved to Carpinteria with her family at age 16 in 1939. After graduating from Carpinteria Union High School, Phyllis worked at the Hubbard Lemon Packing House. She met George Hansen at a USO-sponsored dance at the Veterans Memorial Building, and they married after George returned from World War II. The couple built a house in the Concha Loma area in 1951 where they raised their four children, RanelI, Kevin, Janna and Mavis. Phyllis worked for 30 years at Carpinteria Junior High School before her retirement. She volunteered extensively throughout her life in numerous organizations, including the Carpinteria Community Church, American Business Women’s Association and Carpinteria Valley Historical Museum.