The Watershed Management Program oversees implementation of the Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit. This program includes education programs and polluted water investigations, as well as construction project management and development review as it relates to surface water quality.
Activities include public outreach and education of water quality; tracking of illegal discharges of materials into the storm drain system and local waterways; water quality testing at storm drain inlets or discharge areas; implementation and enforcement of best management practices (BMPs) for development, redevelopment, and City operations; regional coordination; and the overall stewardship of local watersheds by regulating storm water runoff into creeks and the Carpinteria Salt Marsh.
Pollution Prevention and Response
The City of Carpinteria takes an active role in preventing pollution and responding to reports of pollution and spills. There are many types of spills or discharges that cause pollution and can create an environmental health hazard. If a spill is suspected to be hazardous waste, call 911. For non hazardous materials, reports can be filed through the City of Carpinteria app (available for ios and andriod), or via the City website.
Help us address polluted spills or discharges quickly!
The City’s storm drain system flows directly to local creeks and the ocean. Only rainwater should enter the drainage system! When reporting a spill or discharge, providing key information can help get the right staff to the scene. The best way to report pollution is through the City of Carpinteria app (available for ios and andriod), or via the City website. For potable water waste (sprinkler overspray, etc.), please contact the Carpinteria Valley Water District.
Where? Provide a complete address (if possible) and describe the location (The location of the spill could be ‘in the street’ or ‘on the road shoulder’ or ‘into a storm drain on the southbound side’). Photos are very helpful and allow us to more easily issue administrative citations.
When? Is the report for an actively occurring event or for something that has already taken place?
What? What do you know about the polluting materials? Please tell us if you know or suspect the material is hazardous and poses an immediate threat to health and safety.
More Information
- Storm Drain Maintenance Service Request Form
- Santa Barbara County Project Clean Water
- Low Impact Development Initiative
- Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Post-Construction Runoff Controls
- NPDES Phase II Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program
- Close the Poop Loop
- Our Water, Our World
- Coastal Cleanup Day
- Creek Week