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HopeNet to hold Annual Candlelight Vigil and Mental Health & Wellness Faire

HopeNet of Carpinteria, a grass-roots suicide prevention organization, will hold two events, the Annual Candlelight Vigil and the Mental Health & Wellness Faire, on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center located at 865 Linden Ave.

The Annual Candlelight Vigil program in recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day will begin at 6 p.m. in honor and memory of those who have died by suicide, survivors and those affected by suicide and to increase awareness and sensitivity about suicide and suicide prevention. The program includes speakers, candles, a moment of silence, information tables and resources. Bilingual therapists and Spanish translation will be offered.

The Mental Health & Wellness Faire will take place from 7 to 8 p.m. It will bring together many organizations who work with children, youth, parents and/or seniors to share resources and an opportunity to speak to staff members or volunteers about their services.