It was standing room only last night, Nov. 27, in the Carpinteria City Council Chambers where retiring City Manager Dave Durflinger led his last Council meeting and received high praise for his 24-year tenure at the City and his record 22 years as City Manager. Council members took turns reading a resolution that enumerated Durflinger’s astute leadership, prudent financial responsibility and positive legacy on the City organization and Carpinteria community. Several past councilmembers and other community members spoke to Durflinger’s accomplishments and thanked him for his many years of service. Taking a short break from the meeting, the Council and meeting attendees enjoyed celebratory cake and wished Durflinger the best of luck in his retirement. Durflinger’s last day at the City of Carpinteria is Dec. 8, 2023, after which Michael Ramirez, current Assistant City Manager, will step into the role of City Manager.