In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, eviction protections have been enacted for residential and commercial tenants who have been financially impacted. Most protections are scheduled to expire within the next couple months, but extensions could be enacted to increase the protection time frame.
Residential Eviction Protections
State law currently protects many residential tenants and property owners from eviction and foreclosure if they are suffering from economic hardship due to COVID-19. These protections will remain in place through Sept. 30, 2021, unless an extension is enacted. More information on the state’s tenant protections is available at https://housing.ca.gov/tenant/protection_guidelines.html.
Commercial Eviction Protections
Commercial tenants impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic currently are protected from eviction in the City of Carpinteria. The City’s commercial eviction protections rely on Governor Newsom’s Executive Orders suspending state laws that preempt a local agency to enact a moratorium on commercial evictions. Currently, the suspension of state law applies through Sept. 30, 2021; however, Governor Newsom may choose to extend the suspension further. After the expiration of the executive order, a commercial tenant has 180 days to pay its unpaid rent balance and remain protected from eviction. Learn more about the commercial eviction moratorium at https://carpinteriaca.gov/business/covid-19-business-info/