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RFP released for Active Adult/Senior Center Consultant

The City of Carpinteria is in the process of creating a center and programming for seniors that will allow them to socialize, be physically active, pursue creative interests, and improve their overall well-being. As the next step in these efforts, the City of Carpinteria has released a request for proposals (RFP) for Program Design and Implementation Services for an Active Adult/Senior Center and related programming. The RFP will help the City find a consultant to research and develop a plan for providing active adult and senior services in Carpinteria. Services covered by the proposal must include a list of viable and fully vetted locations for a programming hub, a feasibility study for potential funding sources, staffing recommendations, a three-year action plan for implementation, and budget models based on a three-year timeline. The proposal may also include temporary support for managing the program, coordinating activities, working with volunteers, and scheduling. Proposals are due by Thursday, July 27. To submit a proposal, please see the full RFP at