Get it Done SB! will host a free Advance Care Planning workshop on Oct. 18 and 25 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Carpinteria Woman’s Club, 1059 Vallecito Road. Advance Care Planning allows you to complete an important legal form (Advance Directive) that helps your medical team and loved ones know and respect your health care decisions in the event you have a medical emergency or are seriously ill and cannot speak for yourself. Mi Regalo, which is Hospice of Santa Barbara’s Spanish ACP initiative, offers one-on-one help from trained volunteers to answer individual questions to help you complete the form in its entirety. A notary will be present during Part 2 of the workshop series to legalize the document, free of charge, to all participants. Raffle prizes and a free notary are available for all participating attendees. Call or text Adriana Marroquin to RSVP at (805) 705-4846.