If you are interested in lending your energy and expertise to your community, now is a great time to consider a position on a City board, commission or committee. We have the following vacancies:
- Three vacancies on the Mobile Home Park Rent Stabilization Board
- One assessment-paying member vacancy and two alternate assessment-paying member vacancies on the Downtown “T” Business Advisory Board
- Three vacancies on the Integrated Pest Management Committee
- One at large (alternate) member on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Committee
- One vacancy on the Library Advisory Commission
The application to serve on the above boards and committees can be found at https://bit.ly/CarpinteriaLAC. Applications can be mailed or dropped off at City Hall, or emailed to brianb@carpinterica.gov. Once an application is received, staff will email a supplemental questionnaire that will need to be filled out depending on the position of interest. For questions or more information, email Brian Barrett at the email listed above.