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Apply now for City boards & committees

If you are interested in lending your energy and expertise to your community, now is a great time to consider a position on a City board, commission or committee. We have the following vacancies:

  • Three vacancies on the Mobile Home Park Rent Stabilization Board
  • One assessment-paying member vacancy and two alternate assessment-paying member vacancies on the Downtown “T” Business Advisory Board
  • Three vacancies on the Integrated Pest Management Committee
  • One at large (alternate) member on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Committee
  • One vacancy on the Library Advisory Commission

The application to serve on the above boards and committees can be found at Applications can be mailed or dropped off at City Hall, or emailed to Once an application is received, staff will email a supplemental questionnaire that will need to be filled out depending on the position of interest.  For questions or more information, email Brian Barrett at the email listed above.